Orange & White Game



Senior Member
Jan 13, 2005
Although there may not be any way to know for sure, take a guess as to who you think will just plain KICK BUTT in the O&W game.

If you would like, offer an explanation as to your choice or choices! :rocks:
Do they even keep track of who wins that game?

I'll take whichever color team has the first team defense playing for it.
Originally posted by GAVol@Apr 7, 2005 11:06 PM
I'll take whichever color team has the first team defense playing for it.

They are usually mixed up.
I thought they had gone to keeping the units together.
I am just looking forward to watching the Vols play without having to worry about the Vols winning. :good:
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Apr 7, 2005 11:26 PM
I am just looking forward to watching the Vols play without having to worry about the Vols winning. :good:

Guess I should have been more specific. What I meant was, which individual players do you think will just have an outstanding game?

Sorry about that!
In the past they have kept the squads together (1st team D vs. 1st team O). But last year they mixed them up again. So I would say that is what they do this year.
They will post the starting lineup a day or so before the game. I have gone to them for years (especially during the Manning era) and if you have never been it is a good time for a Vol fan. If nothing else you get to go down on the field and meet some of the up and coming players.
At least it isn't Tostitos. Remember how that guy kept shaking that bag of chips in CPF's face after we won the NC in '98.



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