Ordinarily I would wait but,



Roll the dice....
Sep 14, 2007
the epic fail of Baylor scheduling Wake Forrest for the first loss of the year set up the 2nd best confrence in college football for a tough line to walk. The unbiased 'State of the Big 12' thread will be forthcoming, however, with new regimes in place, this may take more time than I thought.

As for now fellow football fans, I am enjoying Baylor being promptly picked apart by an over-rated WF team.

Enjoy the first weekend and I will certainly be wearing orange when the vols pick up their 1st W in a few short, long awaited days!

gig em aggies and rock on rocky top.
Dude...Arkansas St.?!?

Thanks for you continued support vader.
Seriously though, we are certainly in a "regrouping year". aTm has got the right coach, and the right scheme, we dont have the right personel. I will rarely make excuses but I can speak freely here. Were not what I wish we were. Our wide out situation is critiical. Our d line/ o line situation is critical. Our freaking fg kicker is situation is critical. This might be the worst loss in Kyle Feild history.

The overall emotion here in College Station is that this is unacceptable, however, we have to jump on board now. Far too often people jump off the wagon claiming that we have no intesity, no fire, no realistic optimism. Now losing to Arky lite will do that to a fella. The end truth is this. We lost and its embarrassing but this too shall pass. I have predicted an optimistic 7-5 season from this group. I now realize how far away we really are and the Baylor game just got interesting. I hope to continue my optimism vs. New Mexico next week, but make this clear. This is a team that is "learning" a new system and learning to deal with the realization that we dont have Sherman's guys in here yet. Considering that the d looked decent at times insinuated that we are moving in the right direction. Offense has got to do more and that goes wthout saying. I look forward to seeing how this plays out for Sherman. Overall, while this night will go down as an epic fail, we (not unlike my fellow Vol fans) will always stand behind our team.

My hope is to find myself enjoying far too many cervezas Monday night enjoying a Vol win over uCKla and reeling in the spoils of a New Mexico win on Saturday.

As always, gig em ags, and rock on rocky top.

ps, Im going all orange for the rest of the three day weekend.
Tough loss, yikes.

Not a good start for Sherman. You got to win that game, even in the biggest of rebuilding years.
agreed. When your back up qb is playng wide out and your third string is in the mix as a true wideout for a 4 reciever set (which will be a common occurance) within this new West Coast system, things can be suspect. Exucution is the term of the day and tonight we did not. I make no bones about it, the lack of talent within our lineup makes for a suspect group when considering offesive sussess. Goodson shows flashes of greatness but this is a system developed on the concept of throwing the ball. Not the "Fran" era of run it 3 times and punt. You have to realize that for the entire first half we suffered 0 turnovers, and 0 penalalties. These are good signs that the the basics are being addressed. Now in the second half, we had a epic brain fart imo. You can credit McGee for one of the interceptions but not the second. Clearly these items need to be addresed as I feel certain they will with the new recruiting class. The question is, will we win enough to draw the attention of players that can contribute to our needs offensivly rather that gain the recoginition of players who view this as an opportunity to play medicore ball for a d1 school. None the less, we might consider letting these qb's share time inorder to establish the years to come. If we are to lose now, let us be gaining in skill, and experience.

In contrast,

I also contribute this. McGee has several stripes for many aggies, including me. Lets not throw in the collective towel on a qb, who although might not have the support of yesteryear, did lead us to 2 consequtive w's gainst arch rival t.u. Splitting time is fine, but let this leader lead.

We live in the now though and my hope is that we will learn from this and move on. College football is about adjustments and the practice feild will certainly be busy come monday.

I will now retire to my 18th beer and sulk in udder dismay. I hope for you all to be safe this holiday weekend and I look forward to seeing the boards Monday night.

gig em, rock on rocky top, good night all.

big 12 report forth-coming as promised.

preview: aTm not so good. Baylor worse. Tech someone to watch our for.
I will now retire to my 18th beer and sulk in udder dismay. I hope for you all to be safe this holiday weekend and I look forward to seeing the boards Monday night.
Your cow's milk producing glands are also letting ya down? :eek:hmy:
We already knew this.

I'll give you a prediction: Colorado wins the Big 12 championship when Missouri has to forfeit every game due to the fact it's discovered Chase Daniel was made in a laboratory.

They go on to beat OU a million to seven.
I'll give you a prediction: Colorado wins the Big 12 championship when Missouri has to forfeit every game due to the fact it's discovered Chase Daniel was made in a laboratory.

They go on to beat OU a million to seven.
I thought it would be because it turned out that Chase Daniels was actually just a figment of a group of Jack Daniels drinkers imaginations.
Either way, really.

By the way, I picked the Fighting Zooks in that game. I'm going to have to show some comeback ability to win the pickem.
Thanks for you continued support vader.
Seriously though, we are certainly in a "regrouping year". aTm has got the right coach, and the right scheme, we dont have the right personel. I will rarely make excuses but I can speak freely here. Were not what I wish we were. Our wide out situation is critiical. Our d line/ o line situation is critical. Our freaking fg kicker is situation is critical. This might be the worst loss in Kyle Feild history.

The overall emotion here in College Station is that this is unacceptable, however, we have to jump on board now. Far too often people jump off the wagon claiming that we have no intesity, no fire, no realistic optimism. Now losing to Arky lite will do that to a fella. The end truth is this. We lost and its embarrassing but this too shall pass. I have predicted an optimistic 7-5 season from this group. I now realize how far away we really are and the Baylor game just got interesting. I hope to continue my optimism vs. New Mexico next week, but make this clear. This is a team that is "learning" a new system and learning to deal with the realization that we dont have Sherman's guys in here yet. Considering that the d looked decent at times insinuated that we are moving in the right direction. Offense has got to do more and that goes wthout saying. I look forward to seeing how this plays out for Sherman. Overall, while this night will go down as an epic fail, we (not unlike my fellow Vol fans) will always stand behind our team.

My hope is to find myself enjoying far too many cervezas Monday night enjoying a Vol win over uCKla and reeling in the spoils of a New Mexico win on Saturday.

As always, gig em ags, and rock on rocky top.

ps, Im going all orange for the rest of the three day weekend.
I agree that Mike Sherman is the right guy for A&M. I hope they go 1-11 every year and he's just the guy to get them there.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I still have the taste of the 73-0 whooping the Ags put on us in '93 in my mouth (one of my first college football road trips), so really I am more shocked than anything...I mean, seriously what has happened to A&M? I am not trying to be confrontational at all, I am honestly just curious for feedback from someone closer to the school...

As far as the Big XII, IMO:

MU, OU, and TX all took care of business. Tech I think will falter, I am not sold on them yet (but that just may be because Mizzou owns them). Nebraska, eh. KU apparently couldn't run the ball on FIU? Interesting. The Buffs are just coming on now, so we will see how far along they are.
Tech wont falter. Tech is for real and if they end up with more that 3 losses, I'll be surprised. Ill speak more on this when I am fully recovered but for now Mizzou is legit. I look forward to seeing them becoming a success this year as they were last year. OU has got their ork cut out for them in the b12cg.
I agree that Mike Sherman is the right guy for A&M. I hope they go 1-11 every year and he's just the guy to get them there.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Im sorry that mommy and daddy didnt hug you enough when you were a child. It must really hurt your "e-feelings" as much as it does mine when you say things like that. I know you're just lashing out for attention. You're still number one in book big guy. I wish I could say I never agreed with you before but sometimes, when you go to this level of "flame" I cant help but wonder how our relationship went this direction. Do you really think we will go 1-11?

You're a smart guy hate. Lets leave it at that, and put this to bed. I mean afterall, its not easy being that "withdrawn" day to day. I can only imagine. Peace offering extended.

hate +1, the rest of vn must bow in respect. Well almost all of vn.

Im sorry that mommy and daddy didnt hug you enough when you were a child. It must really hurt your "e-feelings" as much as it does mine when you say things like that. I know you're just lashing out for attention. You're still number one in book big guy. I wish I could say I never agreed with you before but sometimes, when you go to this level of "flame" I cant help but wonder how our relationship went this direction. Do you really think we will go 1-11?

You're a smart guy hate. Lets leave it at that, and put this to bed. I mean afterall, its not easy being that "withdrawn" day to day. I can only imagine. Peace offering extended.

hate +1, the rest of vn must bow in respect. Well almost all of vn.

Good call. Pretend that the reason your program is a joke is because I'm unhappy. Tough. I have always lived a kickass life and now I'm marrying a beautiful woman. You are the one who was stupid enough to buy into Franchione. You got what you deserve. Mike Sherman will win exactly 40% of his games. Enjoy.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Good call. Pretend that the reason your program is a joke is because I'm unhappy. Tough. I have always lived a kickass life and now I'm marrying a beautiful woman. You are the one who was stupid enough to buy into Franchione. You got what you deserve. Mike Sherman will win exactly 40% of his games. Enjoy.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Please click the search button on VN for ANY time I've mentioned how much I supported Fran.

Congrats on the upcoming wedding though. I hope all the best in all sincerity.

ps, 40% is a lot diffrent than 1-11. By the way, who did you have in mind when you made that statement?

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