Oscars 2013



Where are the turtles?
Aug 13, 2008
Who do you think takes home the big prizes tonight?

I've seen 7 of the 9 best movie candidates (haven't seen Les Miserables or Amour) . I've seen all the Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor performances. I did not see The Impossible, The Sessions, or the already mentioned Amour and Les Miserables so didn't see all the Best Actress and Supporting Actress roles. I saw Brave and Frankenweenie, so I missed 3 of the Best Animated films.

I think Lincoln will win best Picture, Spielberg best Director, and DDL best Actor, and honestly that's going to be a big shame. It's not that i think Lincoln is bad, but of the 7 I've seen, I think it's the 7th best movie. I honestly thought the other 6 were better. My wife saw all 7 I did plus Les Miserables and still says it's the best she's seen, plus Hugh Jackman should win Best Actor.

Personally in the ones I've seen, I'd give it to Cooper. For best Actress I'd give it to Quvenzhané Wallis of Beasts of the Southern Wild.

For Best Supporting Actor, Tommy Lee Jones or Alan Arkin will likely win it and again, I think they are both the least deserving. It first should go to Christoph Waltz or Phillip Seymour Hoffman. De Niro did well but like TLJ and AA, he was playing a role he seemingly has played serveral times. I like TLJ but he was essentially being TLJ again, and Arkin's role was ok but honestly not very memorable.

Best Supporting Actress, any of the 5 except Sally Field. I thought she was seriously overacting most of the time.

Basically I think tonight there's a decent chance Lincoln racks up a lot of Oscars but honestly it's by far the most overrated of the contenders.
This will be the first year ever that I will not have a clue as to what movies to pull for. I only went to 2 movies last year batman and skyfall. Hollywood has hit a dry spell. However I will still watch tonight. Mainly for the James Bond ceremony.
Seems like the nominees for best picture this year are far superior than last's. 2011 was a weak year for film, IMO.
Hal Needham won an Oscar.

...and the world is a better place for it.
Who else? Nobody was in his league this year.

Also, Christoph waltz win was well deserved.

Disagree. I thought Cooper's portrayal was just as good if not better, and my wife thought Jackman was better than both of them.

I thought almost everything with Lincoln was completely overrated.
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Disagree. I thought Cooper's portrayal was just as good if not better, and my wife thought Jackman was better than both of them.

I thought almost everything with Lincoln was completely overrated.

Jackman was good, but not DDL level good. I actually thought Crowe did a better job in Les Mis.

"When Daniel Day-Lewis, accepting an Oscar for best actor that was presented by Meryl Streep, joked about the two of them having done a “straight swap,” scuttling a plan for him to play Margaret Thatcher and for her to be Lincoln, one wanted nothing more than to see each of them in those roles—not because having them dress in drag would be fodder for a future MacFarlane number but because of how Day-Lewis might convey Thatcher’s temporal power and the strength that Streep would bring to the role of a President"

I was actually embarrassed for the writer of this cry-fest after I read this.
Hollywood is filled with some of the most uptight and humorless people to ever grace this planet. They're offended every year by something. MacFarlene was just fine. Anyone that was upset by some of the jokes he made last night needs to get lighten up and get a better grasp on the concept of comedy. It's like people forgot what they were getting with Seth MacFarlene as a host in the first place.
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Who else? Nobody was in his league this year.

Also, Christoph waltz win was well deserved.


DDL is the best method actor of his generation and Waltz was fantastic in Django.

Argo was a predictable winner for best picture but it was a very good story.

QT's acceptance speech was hilarious. "Peace out!"

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