Between May 2005 and April 2006, Leah was a private caregiver in Washington for a married couple in their 80’s – the wife suffered from severe dementia, the husband had Alzheimer’s. During this time, according to the Washington Department of Health, Leah used the couple’s credit cards and banking account without their knowledge, racking up nearly $10,000 in purchases. Included was a Northwest Airlines round-trip ticket from Seattle to Indianapolis ($362.20), clothes from Abercrombie ($921.66) and services at a tanning salon ($103.42). The couple’s credit cards were also used by Leah to pay Leah’s personal electric bills ($512.85), personal credit card ($995) and a Wells Fargo Account ($927.06).
Leah also transferred from the couple’s banking account $1,189.65 and $1,498 to collection agencies, according to the Washington Department of Health.
When the husband passed away in December 2005, Leah continued to steal from the wife for the next five months.
The couple’s daughter could not determine exactly how much money Leah stole, but said it was significantly higher than the $9,426.55 the family could document, according to the Washington Assistant Attorney General.
In June 2007, Leah was terminated from her position at St. Vincent’s Women’s Hospital in Indianapolis and had her nursing license revoked. Leah was placed on indefinite probation by the Indiana State Board of Nursing for lying on her RN application about whether she had “ever been terminated or demoted as a Nurse or as another health professional.” That probation was lifted in 2010, according to Indiana’s Deputy Attorney General.
Leah is currently a nurse at Cleveland Clinic Florida in Weston, Florida.