OU covered the spread, ya think, why?



A kick to the cods is my only deterrence.
Nov 28, 2007
No doubt Oregon has taken it to us today. Congrats on their great win. The spread depending on when you laid your shekels down was anywhere from UT being -26 to -28.5. I'm looking at a 59-7 3rd quarter score so my ask is in your opinion, is OU just that doggone good or we that bad? I lean toward the latter point of view, I've seen nothing from OU that Ohio State, LSU, or Bama would not easily overcome. Thoughts?
Oregon would absolutely demolish LSU or Ohio State. Alabama would have a much better chance though. The only reason bama won't beat us as bad is because they don't run the same no huddle
Ok to stir the pot, is Mariota light years in front of Manziel, McCarron, or Bridgewater? Give him the Heisman now?
It's a combination of your points. Oregon is just that good I mean their offense is very high powered, probably the most explosive since 1994/95 Nebraska. Also we have a brand new coaching staff, unproven starters at QB, injuries, new offensive and defensive schemes and a lot of young players.

People act like Oregon should not have laid a beating on us like they did. Wake up. They are not #2 in the nation for nothing.

I have been reading some stupid comments about CBJ, fickle fans already calling for his head. Idiots. We could have had Bill Belicheck as our coach and Oregon would still have crushed us. We are just simply not there talent wise yet. People need to calm down and focus on going forward. We have only lost 1 game. Also those who are saying because of this game we are doomed in the SEC, why? Please name one team in the SEC that has the offensive firepower that Oregon has? Answer? Nobody.
i dont think the duck players are particularly better than the players you got coming out of high school. talentwise you could develop into a top 10 team. tennessee has more 4 star players starting. mariota was a 3 star player.

i think youve already taken the first step to getting better because that team you put on the field looked more fit than the one i saw 2 years ago.

if i had to criticize your coach id say he was maybe a little bit too conservative. butch needs to think a little bit more outside the box, especially against a team like oregon. you threw that one long bomb in the first quarter and it worked like a dream and then you didnt follow it up with anything. just a lot of short stuff to keep moving the chains. butch needs to mix up his plays a little better.

former oregon coach mike belloti once said "its not the 11 best players who win but the 11 players who play best together". thats probably the next step for you because you have lots of good individual talent.
To answer your questions. Both are true. 1) Ogreon is that good. Mariotta was more than outstanding as were their receivers. 2) Tennessee secondary is that bad. How many times did we see them blow past a defender still trying to figure out the formation? How many missed open field tackles for the Vols? Also, it's time to burn a redshirt as far as QB is concerned. Neal needs to just run instead of wasting so much time jukeing before hitting the line.

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