OU Volunteer Club tailgate

Just realized it's going to be 97 degrees. Does anybody even want to tailgate? For crying out loud, I've been dying to get out of these AZ temperatures and Norman is going to be significantly hotter and humid. WTF
Just realized it's going to be 97 degrees. Does anybody even want to tailgate? For crying out loud, I've been dying to get out of these AZ temperatures and Norman is going to be significantly hotter and humid. WTF
Hotter, but not humid. It feels a lot dryer to me, the sun has been hot but not unbearable and there’s a decent breeze.
Yeah it’s miserably hot. My son and I flew out @ 8am and finally made it to Oklahoma City at 2:15 central. He has two exams Monday @ the Hill so we’re gonna chill @ Hotle until 2pm. Then we will catch a Uber from Oklahoma City to Norman around 2:30 or 3pm and hang out inside at restaurants-bars.
We saw a lot of other Vol fans in OKC today. Many however, are of the “senior” persuasion and likely not a huge help in the noise category.

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