Overused political phrase, you cannot be



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
You cannot be christian/religous and vote democrat.

Do you any of you subscribe to this notion?

What are the potential problems with the above statement?

Overused political rhetoric?

Is it true?
You cannot be christian/religous and vote democrat.

Do you any of you subscribe to this notion?

What are the potential problems with the above statement?

Overused political rhetoric?

Is it true?

Not true, I have relatives that vote democrat and are very christian/religious people.
Not true, I have relatives that vote democrat and are very christian/religious people.

Do they vote democrat because of FDR?

Do they vote democrat because they think other relatives who have passed on will roll in their graves?

Any Civil War related issues?

Just curious...........
Do they vote democrat because of FDR?

Do they vote democrat because they think other relatives who have passed on will roll in their graves?

Any Civil War related issues?

Just curious...........

Don't know really, I think it is just the way they have always thought. They are people that today are very successful and well off, but like many in their 50's and 60's came from very modest households but also very religious ones. These are some people I respect very much but am completely baffled as to how why they vote the way they do. Most of the time I think it boils down to the idea, that they do not like "to pass judgement", I think they feel the republican party is all about passing judgement.
I'm Christian, and I vote Republican. Stupid Liberals

i honestly hope that's a joke. i think "stupid liberal" or "stupid conservative" are two more completely overused phrases. calling an entire group of people stupid is, in a word, stupid.
i honestly hope that's a joke. i think "stupid liberal" or "stupid conservative" are two more completely overused phrases. calling an entire group of people stupid is, in a word, stupid.
Some people have tiny brains and can't communicate any other way. I'm not saying that's the case with him or anything though..:whistling:
preciate that vn mod. i have a tiny brain, that's a compliment. and yes that was a joke. i have democrats in the family, and we have some pretty good debates on stuff. no one group is stupid. i just go republican because i agree on more issues with them then i do the democrats.
preciate that vn mod. i have a tiny brain, that's a compliment. and yes that was a joke. i have democrats in the family, and we have some pretty good debates on stuff. no one group is stupid. i just go republican because i agree on more issues with them then i do the democrats.

I'm just ribbing you a little like I do with most in here..
back to the topic at hand, since i am an off topic machine.

i think you can be a christian and vote democrat. but i am not a christian so i don't know that i am the leading authority. there are plenty of democrats who line up socially with christian beliefs.
back to the topic at hand, since i am an off topic machine.

i think you can be a christian and vote democrat. but i am not a christian so i don't know that i am the leading authority. there are plenty of democrats who line up socially with christian beliefs.
Catholic America was almost always a Democratic lock until 1973. The Democratic Party pretty much shot itself in the foot by getting behind the Abortion Movement.
You cannot be christian/religous and vote democrat.

Do you any of you subscribe to this notion?

What are the potential problems with the above statement?

Overused political rhetoric?

Is it true?
Yes it is political rhetoric. Most of the leaders of the evangelical churches in America are on the right. It's all about control. If the pastor can convince the congregation that christians should vote a certain way, then he can control a whole block of voters (depending on the size of the church), and it gives him a sense of power, and in many cases real power.
Don't worry, OWB ribs because his party has failed to capitalize on the poor record (real or unreal) of the republicans in congress and Bush in the White House.
Yes it is political rhetoric. Most of the leaders of the evangelical churches in America are on the right. It's all about control. If the pastor can convince the congregation that christians should vote a certain way, then he can control a whole block of voters (depending on the size of the church), and it gives him a sense of power, and in many cases real power.

Nice thought, should a pastor bring up politics?

What if the pastor does not choose a side publicly, rather presents either candidates platforms equally?

*Which has been my church experience all of my life.
Nice thought, should a pastor bring up politics?
A hard question to answer. I believe that a preacher has a right to his opinion as much as anyone, and has the right to express it. Where I tend to have a problem is with the whole notion that a christian can't possibly believe (fill in the blank) or support this or that. At one time the Baptist church believed in the notion of soul liberty, that each believer has the freedom to reach their own conclusion on whatever the issue based on their interpretation of scripture.

What if the pastor does not choose a side publicly, rather presents either candidates platforms equally?
The problem here is that, as I stated above, many pastors will pressure their congregations that they should believe x, or support y. When the pastor presents both sides he is in a way giving his endorsement.

Candidate A: Supports abortion rights, supports gay marriage

Candidate B: opposes abortion and gay marriage.

There is no question who the pastor is suggesting that his congregation should vote for.

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