P. Turner



Senior Member
Jul 10, 2004
He and his family end his recruitment and he is firm to USC. Goodbye and good Luck but seriously UT is missing nothing and he was not crucial to the class and no matter what he was not the best WR in the state.
Good bye and enjoy the left coast. Goodpasture and the Pac 10 are similar levels of play. Enjoy :wavey:
Again, no huge loss. Hell, he didn't even consider UT until last month. Good luck to him.
I am glad that this is over we dont dont need a guy from tennessee who dont even consider tennessee until the last second good luck with all that talent at usc i will take robert mechem any day over turner........oh i forgot turner dont forget your surf board :shakeit:


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he is a good reciver. but he will find out what he is missing when he loses the nc game to THE BIG ORANGE
Ya know for some reason im sorta bitter over this kid more than the others that spurned us. It's bad enough he isn't gonna come here but going all the way across the country to play in a second tier conference just baffles me. I know kids that go there are gonna win (mainly because their far superior to every other high school team in the Crap-10) but why pass on a chance to play for your IN-STATE school that has always competed for a team that will never play the level of competition we play. I'm bitter but i realize he wasnt needed to make our recruiting class. Hats off to the kids that did want to come here and play some SEC football
A lot of the time I just have to go with my gut feeling, which has found itself derived from many, many, many years of following our beloved vols.

So, from the very beginning I NEVER really felt he would go to U.T.

There's just something about that situation that doesn't seem right to me, but if you look at the latest picture, I just do not think he has that "Big Orange" look.

I hope he does well OUT THERE in the Pacifier 10, but I feel no real sense of loss at all.

Wait until we kick USC's butt... GO VOLS!
I've seen this kid play more than once and I'll tell you from someone who has both played and coached the game, He's not that good.
I'm not a huge fan of USC, but I'm glad they are representing the Pac-10 as well as they are. I will have to see about a month or so of games before I can determine if any team is good enough to take down USC.
I don't know if they could have or not but Auburn had the chance to they were good enough.
I think USC would have still won, but it would have been a lot closer. USC's offense would have been the main reason. We've all seen that Auburn can stop one form of offense or another, but I'd bet if you threw an excellent balanced attack at them like USC has, they'd cripple. SC's defense was also excellent. Did anybody pay attention to how perfectly their d game was executed in the Orange Bowl?
I don't want to take anything away from the kid. Patrick Turner is a good player. It remains to be seen if he will be a great player, but I bear no grudge or ill will towards him for the fact he chose USC(he is still from Tennessee). I hope he has a great career. How many players has Tennessee taken from Southern California over the years? Anyway, this will hopefully open the way up for a better shot at Slick, who I hope will have a greater career at U.T.
As for the Auburn-USC thing. They would have given USC a run for their money, if they didn't outright win the game. You have to admit, though, the BCS is missing out on major bucks on that plus one game: TV(pay-per-view?), Super Bowl price tickets, tourism, etc., etc. I know I would have paid to have seen it and I think most of America(excluding of course most of those in SC) would have done the same.
I really don't care where Turner went whether UT or USC or Podunk U I don't think he's the #1 WR in the state of Tennessee let alone the US.
Yeah, his going to USC won't hurt us much. He would have a been a pretty good fit with the Vols, but so goes life. I am just glad that I don't have to read anymore about him and his "problems" figuring out where to go.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 27, 2005 1:56 AM
I think USC would have still won, but it would have been a lot closer. USC's offense would have been the main reason. We've all seen that Auburn can stop one form of offense or another, but I'd bet if you threw an excellent balanced attack at them like USC has, they'd cripple. SC's defense was also excellent. Did anybody pay attention to how perfectly their d game was executed in the Orange Bowl?

USC played a perfect game but OK played horrible, you have to admit this. If you play that NC game 10 times, 9 games would be much closer even though I think OK was the weaker team. I never thought OK was that good, they had a great RB but he's still a freshman, and they have a very overrated QB with average WRs. OK became very one dimensional this season. USC only impressive win was the NC game.

USC's defense didn't look as dominate as Auburn's. USC has a good defense, maybe equal to AU, but not better. I still feel that AU has the better of the two. Offense, I’d have loved to see Brown and Williams run down the throat of USC defense. If USC would have put 9 in the box like against OK, Campbell would have hit them deep, just like against the Vols.
I was talking about the execution. The gaps were handeled almost perfectly by USC's down linemen, and their linebackers seemed to know what was coming at all times. From Adrian Peterson, no less. They held him to 82 yards of offense, by the way. He was averaging 141 yards a game, and the only team he ran less for against was Nebraska, but he also got the ball only 14 times in that game.

Another stat that's worth noting that I've pulled out before is that USC allows, on average, 4 points per game in the second half. That's also in a conference that I will admit is pretty heavily offense-oriented.

Just some food for thought. I think Auburn would have played well against USC, but at the end of the day, the Trojans just have the better coaching, talent and execution. I could see a 35-21 game.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 28, 2005 10:35 AM
I was talking about the execution. The gaps were handeled almost perfectly by USC's down linemen, and their linebackers seemed to know what was coming at all times. From Adrian Peterson, no less. They held him to 82 yards of offense, by the way. He was averaging 141 yards a game, and the only team he ran less for against was Nebraska, but he also got the ball only 14 times in that game.

Another stat that's worth noting that I've pulled out before is that USC allows, on average, 4 points per game in the second half. That's also in a conference that I will admit is pretty heavily offense-oriented.

Just some food for thought. I think Auburn would have played well against USC, but at the end of the day, the Trojans just have the better coaching, talent and execution. I could see a 35-21 game.

No way in hell is USC a two touchdown better ball club than AU. Milo, you're still caught up in the media hype. :question: I do agree that USC is better coached but that's where it ends. I hope next season I don't have to hear the over-hyped USC crap from you, along with the media.
If P. Turner is not the best wide receiver in TN, who is? and where is he going to go to school?
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Jan 28, 2005 1:37 PM
If P. Turner is not the best wide receiver in TN, who is? and where is he going to go to school?

Well, I did meet this rather large girl in Tullahoma once. :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Z06Vol+Jan 28, 2005 10:44 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Z06Vol @ Jan 28, 2005 10:44 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-TBALLVOL@Jan 28, 2005 1:37 PM
If P. Turner is not the best wide receiver in TN, who is? and where is he going to go to school?

Well, I did meet this rather large girl in Tullahoma once. :thumbsup: [/quote]

And yes, I firmly believe that if USC played Auburn, it would be a 10-14 point USC victory. No media hype. I have watched numerous USC games this season, great coaching and top talent leads to big victories. No other way about it.
You may be right. USC may have won, but it can&#39;t be said for a fact as it didn&#39;t happen. But you have to look at it honestly. USC was able to stop Adrian Peterson, but AU had two backs in that same caliber. Tennessee was not a bad team this year and we were handled by them the first time and beaten handily the second time. I think AU would have made it a game and I would have taken the bet if they had picked USC by a touchdown or more.
If OU and AU were to have played 10 times, I think AU would have won at least 7. OU was overrated to start the year and didn&#39;t lose. AU was underrated to start the year and didn&#39;t lose and played stiffer competition. Auburn beat three teams in the top 10 when they beat them. USC and OU each beat one team in the top 10 at the time they beat them.
Auburn should have been ranked above both of them for all intense purposes. They just got screwed by the system(polls) and the BCS because Bowling Green backed out of a game with them in order to get more money from OU. Since Auburn couldn&#39;t find a top division team to take their place on the schedule and, thus, had to settle for a second tier team.
Yeah, I know it didn&#39;t happen. Just speculation, and we can all agree that Auburn vs. USC would have been the best national championship game in retrospect.

Like I&#39;ve said, Auburn just found themselves in a pretty terrible spot this year, and I doubt that a single person anywhere expected Oklahoma to play as poorly as they did.

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