Party time at the White House.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Barry has invited the Harvard race baiter 'Skip' Gates and police officer James Crowley over for a beer party.

I have to give proper credit to Skip for coming up with the idea since most would assume there was no BYOB connected with the invitation.

Crowley accepted the White House invitation but said he didn't drink beer.



Gates lawyer was young Obama's mentor

“Gates lawyer was young Obama’s mentor
Radical black activist tied to Black Panthers, supports reparations”
Posted: July 24, 2009
11:31 am Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

SNIPPET: “JERUSALEM – The lawyer representing Henry Louis Gates Jr., the Harvard professor at the center of a national race controversy, was a mentor of both Barack and Michelle Obama and served on the president’s black advisory council.”

SNIPPET: “Ogletree is closely linked to radical black activism. As a student in 1970 at Stanford University near San Francisco, a center of black radicalism at the time, Ogletree organizing an Afrocentric dormitory. He edited a campus Black Panther newspaper called The Real News and traveled to Africa and Cuba as part of student activist groups. Ogletree attended nearly every day of the trial of Black Power activist and communist Angela Davis. (several time VP candidate on the communist party ticket.)gs

Ogletree moved on to Harvard Law School, where he continued his political activism, becoming national president of the Black Law Students Association.”


The official party party public information secretary phoned Crowley and asked if he would hug Barry and Skip after the party if the situation called for it.

Crowley replied; "Sure I would, gay guys need hugs too."
Look I'm not trying to get one of those endless beer threads started here, as much as I like singing '99 bottles of beer on the wall' and even though I greatly admire 'Skip' for coming up with the idea of free beer for the people, since I majored in free beer and all but in trying to remain objective about the whole affair here I must admit that the question immediately arose in the 'party' party about who would be drinking what, some discreet inquireys have been made by party sleuths and so far this is what the we have come up with:

Michelle said that Barry would most likely choose one of the Kenyan products;





Skippy's 'driver' (read gay lover) :birgits_giggle: said Skippy poo always drank;




Crowley doesn't drink but expected a lot of;


The faces may change but the agenda remains the same.

NBC was contacted to see if Brian Williams had gotten an invite and they had no comment except that Brian always drank;

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I dislike Obama as much as anyone, but there was no mention of a beer party. Simply said he invited them to the whitehouse for a beer. Watch out for spiked drinks! :)
I dislike Obama as much as anyone, but there was no mention of a beer party. Simply said he invited them to the whitehouse for a beer. Watch out for spiked drinks! :)

Why am I not surprised Swil of all people would know so much about 'arrogant bastard' ale? :)

The Secret Service arrested Barry last winter for trying to break in a window, he still hasn't shown proper ID.


There is a surprise party planned for next week.


Everyone is invited to participate.
Whats this? I figured he'd drink Natural, ya know cuz of the whole,......oh nevermind.
Actually, I thought it was a pretty clever thing to do. Too bad the officer doesn't drink. I assumed that most of the officers in Boston were Irish. :unsure:
Actually, I thought it was a pretty clever thing to do. Too bad the officer doesn't drink. I assumed that most of the officers in Boston were Irish. :unsure:

News flash, as we speak, the beer is being consumed at a picnic table on the white house lawn.


Joe heard about the free beer party and invited himself over.

Expect pictures on the ten o'clock news.

The media isn't allowed close enough to hear what is being said but in anticipation of this big event a party party operative placed a listening device underneath the table and caught this much so far;

Joe shows up, Skip asks his old pal Barry; "who's the honkey?" and Barry replied;


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