Past Bowl Games



Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2012
Excluding the LAST two bowls we played in I harped back on the bowls between the Penn State Blunder of the early 90's and thought about the bowl game wins and losses. Beginning with Shuler in 92' through the 98' BCS Fulmer never cried after the season and we beat some fairly good teams-Ohio State and Northwestern. Then after the let down of 99' Fulmer got blasted by Nebraska AGAIN! Which makes me think, he cried about Manning not winning the Heisman in 97'=loss. Cried about not making a "New Years Day and BCS Bowl" and got waxed in both Peach Bowls. Then when he was bein hammered for loosing the SECCG in 01' he readied the team to beat a decent Michigan team. Anybody elase see the correlation here?
Excluding the LAST two bowls we played in I harped back on the bowls between the Penn State Blunder of the early 90's and thought about the bowl game wins and losses. Beginning with Shuler in 92' through the 98' BCS Fulmer never cried after the season and we beat some fairly good teams-Ohio State and Northwestern. Then after the let down of 99' Fulmer got blasted by Nebraska AGAIN! Which makes me think, he cried about Manning not winning the Heisman in 97'=loss. Cried about not making a "New Years Day and BCS Bowl" and got waxed in both Peach Bowls. Then when he was bein hammered for loosing the SECCG in 01' he readied the team to beat a decent Michigan team. Anybody elase see the correlation here?

I was at the Peach Bowl against Maryland where Tennessee lost 30-0. I left in the 3rd quarter because Tennessee showed no spark at all.
I went to both of them and if those two games would have taken place in the mid 90's we would have won. That loss to Clemson kept Bowden there for the next year!

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