Peach Bowl Tickets



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
Well it looks like I am heading to the Peach Bowl. Some friends of mine and a couple of VolNation members are chartering a bus to take us to Atlanta and back. As of right now however, I still do not have any tickets. I had a chance to get some early last week, but had no plans to go at the time (isn't that the way it always goes). Anyway, if anyone has any tickets for sale or knows someone who does, please post it here. Thanks!!
Problem solved. I got tickets thanks to VolNations own member, Volunteer. :clap:
For anybody that is planning to go to the Peach Bowl - be very careful buying or selling tickets near the Dome. The Atlanta police are tougher on scalpers than they are on drive by shooters. Last year at the SEC B-ball tournament I watched a guy sell tickets to an undercover cop and then get cuffed!! It was ridiculous.

And since nothing is going on and I am rambling . . . here's the story of the greatest scalping scam I've ever seen. At the same SEC b-ball tournament, I went to Atlanta without a ticket. I've just seen the poor dude get taken in for scalping, so my prospects don't look too good. About that time a guy walks up and asks if I need tickets. He offers me a pair of tickets for $40 - well below face value - and he doesn't want me to pay him until I go through the turnstile. I'm thinking that I can't possibly lose and I take the tickets and follow the scalper who goes on into the Dome. But when I get to the entrance the ticket guy looks at my ticket and says "Sorry this ticket is for yesterday". By this time the scalper is long gone and I can't figure out what just happened since it hasn't cost me anything. Then it all became clear when the ticket taker said "Go get back in line and hand me the ticket again with a $20 bill in behind it and you'll get in". The "scalper" had gathered up a bunch of unused tickets and was in cohoots with the ticket taker. No telling how much money they made selling bad tickets, but it was really a victimless crime since I got into the Dome for $20 under face value and got to sit wherever I wanted. :rocks: Now that's capitalism!!
That's a good story!

I think my worst ticket story ever is when I went to see the vol basketball team play at UNC Charlotte one year. We bought a couple of tickets from a scalper. When we went to our seats we realized that even though the seat numbers were consecutive, the seats were actually across the aisle from each other. Of course the game was not near a sellout so it didn't really matter anyway.

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