No, they all got caught because they tried to play catch-up the fast way and the NCAA caught them. It's as simple as that.
Some coaches have the connections to get things done. Sometimes illegally, but they're so connected/protected that no one will ever roll over on them. Pearl didn't have that side locked down.
Some other guys just find loopholes and sneak under the NCAA's hand. Or they do it once and learn from that experience.
The mentality that "everyone is doing it!" is starting to catch up with a lot of coaches because they do things out in the open that other more experienced coaches would never do. No one is ever going to catch Cal with his hands in the cookie jar. I'm sorry, it's just not going to happen. No one has ever proved that he cheated, at least to a level to get him screwed, and I don't see it happening. He's an experienced coach that obviously knows what he's doing. It's when other coaches see guys like that, and think they're going to get away with some slick stuff too, that people start getting caught.