Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
Washington Times - EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi paid husband with PAC funds

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has directed nearly $100,000 from her political action committee to her husband's real estate and investment firm over the past decade, a practice of paying a spouse with political donations that she supported banning last year.
Financial Leasing Services Inc. (FLS), owned by Paul F. Pelosi, has received $99,000 in rent, utilities and accounting fees from the speaker's "PAC to the Future" over the PAC's nine-year history.
The payments have quadrupled since Mr. Pelosi took over as treasurer of his wife's committee in 2007, Federal Election Commission records show. FLS is on track to take in $48,000 in payments this year alone - eight times as much as it received annually from 2000 to 2005, when the committee was run by another treasurer.

Thoughts other than politicians are not worth dog dookie?
Now let's hear her blame everyone else for the nations money problems.
Anyone ever read Dick Morris's book "Outrage"? It details records of this kind shady behavior by all members of congress. It is amazing how many congressman take in money from these PAC's by paying their spouse and family members. You should see how many free vacations and trips these politicians get from their PAC's and special interests. It is all disgusting.

That being said, mabye I should run for office and get in on it. I could stand 2 day weeks and 6 vacations a year. :)
Anyone ever read Dick Morris's book "Outrage"? It details records of this kind shady behavior by all members of congress. It is amazing how many congressman take in money from these PAC's by paying their spouse and family members. You should see how many free vacations and trips these politicians get from their PAC's and special interests. It is all disgusting.

That being said, mabye I should run for office and get in on it. I could stand 2 day weeks and 6 vacations a year. :)
not Biden, he's apparently too stupid to milk the machine expressly set up for milking.
That being said, mabye I should run for office and get in on it. I could stand 2 day weeks and 6 vacations a year. :)

yep, that's what Washington needs, another liberal who thinks Sarah Palin has set women back 40 years.
Anyone ever read Dick Morris's book "Outrage"? It details records of this kind shady behavior by all members of congress. It is amazing how many congressman take in money from these PAC's by paying their spouse and family members. You should see how many free vacations and trips these politicians get from their PAC's and special interests. It is all disgusting.

That being said, mabye I should run for office and get in on it. I could stand 2 day weeks and 6 vacations a year. :)

Another, "not my fault" response. Do you work for Pelosi?
Anyone ever read Dick Morris's book "Outrage"? It details records of this kind shady behavior by all members of congress. It is amazing how many congressman take in money from these PAC's by paying their spouse and family members. You should see how many free vacations and trips these politicians get from their PAC's and special interests. It is all disgusting.

That being said, mabye I should run for office and get in on it. I could stand 2 day weeks and 6 vacations a year. :)

You are correct......... goverment = failure and I would trust the common prostitute over a politician.

Say it isn't so. You know, this pillar of socialistic elitism could not possibly do anything that would even hint of impropriety. She is the idol of every bleary-eyed, limber-lipped, leftwing cumquat in the country. For her to turn out to be nothing more than just another crooked democrat politician would be devastating to the cause of every one of the radical special interest groups that keep her in office.

She should consult with her fellow socialist and outspoken Democratic Party spokesperson, Cynthia McKinney, on all matters relating to congressional propriety, cultural integrity, truth, justice and the American Way.
not Biden, he's apparently too stupid to milk the machine expressly set up for milking.

That Biden is really an expert on history! Isn't he the one declaring that when the stock market crashed in 1929 that President Roosevelt immediately got on television to inform and calm the American people.

The doofus didn't know that Roosevelt wasn't president in 1929 and that TV didn't exist except in the very earliest prototypical form.

Isn't he the one that earlier this summer said that Barrack Hussein Obama wasn't qualified to be commander and chief of our armed forces. On that point, he exhibited some realistic insight but I suspect he has forgotten the comment.

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