People can't even Vote these days

Good this wasn't an issue. Just virtue signaling.

Saban supported this.

Pandering to the next #1 class in the nation..............

Good luck getting around campus without an ID.
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Back in my day, we walked through 2 miles of snow to vote for terrible politicians.
That's exactly how it worked. But now those old ways are impossible?

You can correctly say things could be easier. But just because it could be easier doesnt mean the current/old system is wrong or limits peoples right to votes.
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I don't get it...why the outrage? To me it just proves equal accessibility.
Damn, that’s as bad as some of the racist stuff Biden says.
which racist stuff?
doesn't want his kids in a racial jungle?
his state is a slave state?
cant go into a 7-11 without a slight indian accent?
surprised that obama is a clean well dressed articulate guy?
poor kids are just as bright as white kids?
which racist stuff?
doesn't want his kids in a racial jungle?
his state is a slave state?
cant go into a 7-11 without a slight indian accent?
surprised that obama is a clean well dressed articulate guy?
poor kids are just as bright as white kids?
AA dont know how to use the internet.
If you dont vote for me you ain't black.
Had the Liberals taken away the filibuster, couldn’t the Rs have put it right back with a simple majority vote as soon as they had the seats? Would have been funny to pass a ton of things that a minority of Dems couldn’t block, and then put the filibuster rule back in place with a final vote right before handing back the majority.

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