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What a great season. When we beat #4 Auburn we all knew it was going to be a special year.

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Thats the one where I have a piece of the goal posts :lol: the cap piece. Doesn't show me on that tape though :( I found out that I was on TV later when my next door neighbor told my parents they saw me on TV... whoops lol... good times back then :toast:
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I was there too!!!! It was a steady downpour the entire game. I don't understand why Henton was starting over Kelly. We had great receivers (Alvin Harper, Carl Pickens, Anthony Morgan, Vince Moore) but didn't use them half of that season.
that was fun. I have images of where we sat and how wet we were. And I still picture the huge UT hat my buddy had that sat about 4 inches high on his big ass head.
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Cobb's run in the rain has to be in the top 10 greatest UT plays. The very definition of power football. Cobb-Webb was unstoppable until Cobb got suspended.....right before the Bama game.
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Marion Hobby: one of my all time favorite players.

Cobb Webb combo was the best ever.

A young Pat Haden doing color.

That's how a stadium should sound.
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Have a great memory of that game for other reasons also. There was a guy a few rows in front of me that was in the last row that was covered so the people just in front of him were getting soaked. He was almost falling down drunk and giving all the people out in the rain a hard time and was really a jerk about it. Around half time a gutter from the upper deck broke and it looked like a 50 gallon drum of water about knocked him to his knees. Everyone stood up and cheered and really let him have it. He quietly left the game.
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Johnny said.

After we kick your backside up and down a wet field today, how bout we grab a few cold ones Pat?
Have a great memory of that game for other reasons also. There was a guy a few rows in front of me that was in the last row that was covered so the people just in front of him were getting soaked. He was almost falling down drunk and giving all the people out in the rain a hard time and was really a jerk about it. Around half time a gutter from the upper deck broke and it looked like a 50 gallon drum of water about knocked him to his knees. Everyone stood up and cheered and really let him have it. He quietly left the game.

The definition of "Poetic Justice"
I was there. I was a kid. I remember making a poncho out of a trash bag. It was an awesome game and great memory.

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