(hatvol96 @ Aug 10 said:I'm shocked that none of the Manningophiles have referenced the article in yesterday's Tennessean mentioning the $1 mil #16 has pledged to the UTAD.
Would I get to pick coaches? I'm afraid guys like Haslam and Thorton would still have all the power. That would make it wasted money on my part. I do well, but I'm not going to throw money away for a vanity piece.(oklavol @ Aug 10 said:Hatvol you should step up and match his contribution, not to be out done.
That's what I would expect. I was beginning to fear that the lack of playoff success by the Colts had damaged #16's popularity.(Jasongivm6 @ Aug 10 said:Way to go PEYTON!!!! :hi:
You're my HERO!!!!! :superman:
You're the BEST!!!! :yahoo:
epper: :yourock: :fworks: :td: :toast:
How's that?
(LetMeStay @ Aug 10 said:i'm sure peyton is worried about panhandlers. his people can shake them off.
You are correct. I've got a friend who donated a large sum of money to a hospital. When that hit the papers, every group in a 100 mile radius tried to hit him up for some cash.(Jasongivm6 @ Aug 10 said:I think Hat was talking about people in general giving donations. I live right down the street from John C. "Thunder" Thornton and I've only tried to climb his privacy gate a handful of times. Most of them were for a good cause, though, because I was doing "liver damage research" and needed the booze to prove some points.