Peyton singing some Cash

He really does choose good songs that make women feel good (maybe why I like him). "Country Girl" and "I Don't Want This Night to End" for example.
I agree. The only decent song he's had since "Rain is a Good Thing" is "Drunk on You".

His old albums were really good. Record labels just swallowed him whole when they began using his good looks to make a lot more money. Which, at the end of the day, I probably would have done the same thing. It's just an unfortunate truth sometimes.
Y'all are just jealous of Luke Bryan cause he's so hot. His songs rock!
He is a good looking guy, keep your shorts on. :p

As close to country as I will get is The Allman Brothers. Once you've been L'il Jimmy Hartsooked, you swear off.

Peyton Manning just flat out knows how to live life - will respect, with humor, with appreciation, with determination, with honor, with humility. Just a good man at the core.
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