Peyton Wins MVP



Senior Member
Nov 23, 2004
Monday, January 10, 2005

Associated Press

INDIANAPOLIS -- When Peyton Manning sees his name alongside some of the great players in NFL history, he beams with pride.

Manning's phenomenal season earned him his second straight Associated Press NFL Most Valuable Player Award -- and he came within one vote of being a unanimous choice. He joined the likes of Joe Montana, John Unitas, Steve Young and Kurt Warner as quarterbacks with two MVP awards. Brett Favre is the only player to win it three times.

"I've thought of myself as something of a (football) historian and someone who appreciates those names," Manning said Monday. "Just being with those names makes it more special and I am very humbled to be on that list."

The Indianapolis Colts star, who surpassed Dan Marino and Young with his passing prowess in 2004, earned all but one of 48 votes from a national panel of sports writers and broadcasters. Manning tied with Steve McNair for the award last season, but this time only Atlanta quarterback Michael Vick drew a vote.

Ever the team man, and ever championship-oriented, Manning refuses to concentrate on his statistics. He threw for 49 touchdowns, surpassing Marino's 20-year-old NFL record. He shattered Young's passer rating record with a 121.1 mark. And he established other league marks and a lot more team records.

But to Manning, unless it all culminates in a championship, it's not what he's after.

"What I accomplished is something special team-wise," he said. "Obviously it helps that the team is winning games, and good things come along with that."

Such good things as leading the Colts to a 12-4 regular-season record and the AFC South title. They routed Denver 49-24 in the first round of the playoffs -- the MVP voting was held before the postseason -- and play at New England on Sunday.

He also turned two of his previously unaccomplished receivers, Reggie Wayne and Brandon Stokley, into threats almost on a par with Manning's favorite target, perennial Pro Bowler Marvin Harrison. All caught at least 10 touchdown passes and went over 1,000 yards in receiving -- an unprecedented combination for three teammates.

"If you told me we'd have 49 touchdown passes and break Dan Marino's record, I'd have been the last person to tell you that," Manning said. "It's been a fun ride."

It sure has -- one of the most fun in NFL history.

"When I came here three years ago, my reputation preceded me," said Colts coach Tony Dungy, considered a defensive mentor while at Tampa Bay. "There was the thought we'd win games 10-6. I'd like to thank him for making us an offensive team."

Manning tends to make everything look easy. Sort of like Young, Montana, Unitas, Warner and Favre did. But all of them have that championship along with their MVPs. Manning doesn't.

And it drives him to do even more.

"I try to do my job and help my team win games," he said. "That's what it's been about for us all along."

Manning is the first Indianapolis player to win MVP. When the Colts were in Baltimore, the award was won by Unitas (1964 and '67), Gino Marchetti (1958), Earl Morrall (1968) and Bert Jones (1976).

"It's difficult to pick one player out of the league and determine who is the most valuable," Dungy said. "Peyton sets the tempo for us. We ask a lot of him and he's certainly delivered."

Congrats Peyton! You may have just destroyed my team but I can't help but still root for you, well deserved and should've been unanimous(who in the sam hell voted for Michael Vick?)
of course he did. He's amazing. BTW, Find Kelley Washington's endzone celebration, and put that as a sig. :lol:
Congrats to Peyton..well deserved. I heard somebody say that there was one vote for someone else. Wonder who that was?

GoVolsDogg I think something may be wrong with your's seems to be in super slow motion.
Originally posted by VolStripes'77@Jan 10, 2005 9:44 PM
I think Peyton is fast becoming the greatest of all time........If he can just get a ring :cross:

I would love to see the Colts win it all this year but I don't know if they can get past the Patriots...If they can put up 40+ they've got a great chance...Peyton just cannot do what he done last year and expect to win it......My hopefull Super Bowl would be: Atlanta Falcons v/s Indianapolis Colts....I'd be satisfied with either of the one of them winning...Heck I'd just like to see one of them make it
I have to admit that I'm spoiled. I have DirecTV with the NFL package and I've watched virtually every Colts game for the last 3 years.

Peyton is unbelievable. Even if you are not a Vol fan you have to be amazed at his abilities and poise. Look at his reaction after setting the record - cool as the other side of the pillow (with apologies to the the U lover Stu Scott).

He has improved every year and if you watched the game this weekend, you were in awe of the way he dissected the Broncs (sorry GoVolsDogg - BTW love the Lele endzone surf a thon)

He was great as a Vol but he is better as a pro. I may even have to pull for the Colts over my beloved Steelers. (assuming they play in the AFCG)
Originally posted by BWeller18@Jan 10, 2005 7:23 PM
of course he did. He's amazing. BTW, Find Kelley Washington's endzone celebration, and put that as a sig. :lol:

I wouldve loved to take Kelley Washington, had 2 chances at him but that draft sucked for the Broncos that year.

Lelie is my boy, even if he's not a Vol, glad after 2 struggling years he came out and played well this year.

Watching Peyton was unreal, how a guy can recognize man coverage, who is on who in the man coverage, and exploit the mismatch all within 2-3 seconds...with a pass rush coming and recognizing the blitz package as well.
Somebody identyify the IDIOT, yep I said IDIOT, that voted for Mike Vick. Let's check out his stats compared to THE man. I will be back with info on that.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Jan 10, 2005 11:12 PM
Somebody identyify the IDIOT, yep I said IDIOT, that voted for Mike Vick. Let's check out his stats compared to THE man. I will be back with info on that.

I wouldn't really say that he is an idiot for voting for Vick because I mean he basically is essential to the Falcons offense..Heck their whole team...If something happens to Vick that Falcons team is up sh!t creek without a paddle because it seems like they play A LOT different when Vick isn't in the line up...But he's no Peyton Manning....I'm glad Peyton got it...Vick is good but not as good as Peyton
DonSarge will smite you now.

My suprise on Peyton winning the MVP = none

Although I'd wait to start calling him the best qb of all time... He's on his way there, but consider who you're talking about: Dan Marino, John Unitas, Joe Montana, Joe Namath, Troy Aikman, Steve Young. You can certainly put him among those ranks, but to put him above it is a little much.
10 Ainge 10, check out my Topic Starter on "identify the idiot." The stats will speak for themselves. Then get back to me. The guy was an STUPID idiot!!!!!!!!!
Roger Staubach should be one of the greatest of all time.

So Peyton received all votes but one? I didn't know that Chris Fowler had a vote in the NFL MVP poll.
Forgive me but I'm on a bit of a rant today regarding the new standard of guilty to proven innocent (as in the case of the "street agent"). I'm personally involved in a case where this is happening to someone and it has gotten me thinking about the power of rumor. Say something enough and it becomes lore.

Notice in the Peyton story that there is the caveat of not winning a Superbowl. No conspiracy here but this goes back to Peyton not beating Florida (can't win the big one). Before last year the rap was he never won a playoff game. Enter the Bronocs in the wildcard - Peyton puts up a perfect QB rating on the way to a rout. Next game, KC Chiefs - another near perfect QB rating but barely a win (hmm perhaps the rest of the team has something to do with winning). A loss in the AFCG and its back to the same thing - can't win the big one.

We have gotten to a ridiculous state where outstanding is not good enough. Peyton has a rap of not winning the big one (can you say John Elway?) and it will take him winning 2 or 3 SB's before the critics let that one go.

As I said, I'm on a rant. I'm learning to deal with my problem one day at a time :p
Peyton is a victim of his own talent and near perfect performances in the past. If he doesn't post a QB rating of 150 or higher and throw 5-6 td's with no int's the media thinks he played crap. Terrible trap he has set for himself. I hate Eldrick Woods but, he has done the same thing.
I think Colts can beat the Pats. They will have to put up 50+ points in order to do so, but it can be done. Their challenge will come from the Steelers... I think the SuperBowl belongs to Pittsburgh this year. They are pretty much the best in the country in about every category.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 10, 2005 11:55 PM
Although I'd wait to start calling him the best qb of all time... He's on his way there, but consider who you're talking about: Dan Marino, John Unitas, Joe Montana, Joe Namath, Troy Aikman, Steve Young. You can certainly put him among those ranks, but to put him above it is a little much.

none of the qbs, and I mean NONE, that you mentioned has done this....

6 consectutive 4,000+ yard seasons (out of 7 seasons in the NFL)
1999 4135 yds
2000 4413 yds
2001 4131 yds
2002 4200 yds
2003 4267 yds
2004 4557 yds

Dan Marino had six 4,000+ yard seasons, but over a 12-year career. His streak was 3 seasons in a row. Marino's highest qb rating was 108.9 which occurred the season he threw 48 tds. His next highest rating was 96.0 and his career average qb rating was 88.2. Consider that Marino had 4 seasons (out of 12) with a qb rating over 90. Manning already has 4 and a career average of 92.3.

Johnny Unitas had 3 seasons (out of 18) with qbr over 90 with a career average of 78.2. His highest was 97.38. Unitas never passed for over 4000 yards.

Joe Montana had 5 full seasons with a qbr over 90. His career average was 92.3. Montana never passed for over 4000 yards in 15 seasons. Montana's highest qbr for a full season was 112.4.

Joe Namath's best season was a 73.8 qbr. Incidentally, it was the only season he passed for over 4000 yards (out of 13). His career average was 65.46.

Troy Aikman had 2 seasons (out of 12) with a qbr over 90. His highest rating was 99.0. He never passed for over 4000 yards in a season. He only had one season with 20+ tds (23). His career average was 81.6.

Steve Young had 2 seasons (out of 15) with over 4000 yards passing. He also had 7 full seasons with a qbr over 90 (his last 7, after he became the starter for the 49ers)... 5 of those 7 his qbr was over 100. Young's highest rating for a full season was 112.8. His NFL average qbr was 97.0. He also spent 2 seasons in the USFL, where he had a qbr of 72.8. He only had 30+ tds in one season. 6 pro-bowl selections.

Roger Staubach never passed for over 4000 yards in his 11 year career. His qbr of 104.8 in 1971 was his best. He finished with 3 seasons over 90 qbr. His average qbr was 83.4.

The biggest difference between these quarterbacks and Peyton Manning is that each of them has been to the Superbowl. And only 1 (Dan Marino) does not have a ring.

Young won the Superbowl (as a starter) in his 12th professional season. Troy Aikman won the Superbowl in his 5th season and finished with 3 superbowl wins. Joe Namath won the superbowl in his 4th season. Montana won his first superbowl in his 4th year and totaled 4 superbowl wins during his career. Unitas won 3 NFL championships and 1 superbowl, the superbowl win coming during his 16th season. Roger Staubach won the superbowl in his 4th season. However, Staubach also spent 5 seasons in the Navy prior to playing in the NFL. Staubach won another superbowl ring (XII). Dan Marino never won a superbowl.
Originally posted by volinbham@Jan 11, 2005 12:23 AM
Forgive me but I'm on a bit of a rant today regarding the new standard of guilty to proven innocent (as in the case of the "street agent"). I'm personally involved in a case where this is happening to someone and it has gotten me thinking about the power of rumor. Say something enough and it becomes lore.

Notice in the Peyton story that there is the caveat of not winning a Superbowl. No conspiracy here but this goes back to Peyton not beating Florida (can't win the big one). Before last year the rap was he never won a playoff game. Enter the Bronocs in the wildcard - Peyton puts up a perfect QB rating on the way to a rout. Next game, KC Chiefs - another near perfect QB rating but barely a win (hmm perhaps the rest of the team has something to do with winning). A loss in the AFCG and its back to the same thing - can't win the big one.

We have gotten to a ridiculous state where outstanding is not good enough. Peyton has a rap of not winning the big one (can you say John Elway?) and it will take him winning 2 or 3 SB's before the critics let that one go.

As I said, I'm on a rant. I'm learning to deal with my problem one day at a time :p

You brought up his name, and I'll defend John Elway til the day I die.

Elway was in 3 Super Bowls within his first 7 years, and when you look at the rosters, the Broncos had no business being in there. The NFC was so dominant at that time that no matter what team in the AFC went, they were going to lose.

Sorry, but no matter what Peyton does, nothing will make me say that he's a better QB than Elway.
Originally posted by GoVolsDogg@Jan 11, 2005 5:16 PM
Sorry, but no matter what Peyton does, nothing will make me say that he's a better QB than Elway.

That is a very bold statement.
Statistics be damned, those were all great qb's. Namath might have been a Bammer, but he was one of the most important players to ever play NFL football. Not saying Peyton is below all of them, he is right with them, but he has had one amazing season so far. If he can sustain this kind of play, then I will probably admit to his being the best there ever was. I just think that jumping the gun, no matter how sure one may be, has bad karma written all over it.
Originally posted by allvol+Jan 11, 2005 5:32 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (allvol @ Jan 11, 2005 5:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-GoVolsDogg@Jan 11, 2005 5:16 PM
Sorry, but no matter what Peyton does, nothing will make me say that he&#39;s a better QB than Elway.

That is a very bold statement. [/quote]
It may be, but following Elway throughout most of his career asll the way up to being there in person to see him inducted in the hall of fame, there wasn&#39;t a better QB than him.

Peyton will be mentioned as one of the greats once he retires, but he won&#39;t be #1 to me, Elway will have that.

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