Phillip Fulmer



Jul 27, 2004
Does Fulmer promote Christian activities? church? the FCA? Does he attend church? Is he a Christian? Does anyone have any info on this? As a typical Bama fan I don't know him, and just wondered about this. Thanks, GoTide.
Originally posted by GoTide@Oct 21, 2004 8:52 PM
Does Fulmer promote Christian activities? church? the FCA? Does he attend church? Is he a Christian? Does anyone have any info on this? As a typical Bama fan I don't know him, and just wondered about this. Thanks, GoTide.

That's an interesting question to ask. And nothing personal GoTide, but why do I get the feeling that if I answered that I would be setting myself up for something. :unsure:
Originally posted by GoTide@Oct 21, 2004 7:52 PM
Does Fulmer promote Christian activities? church? the FCA? Does he attend church? Is he a Christian? Does anyone have any info on this? As a typical Bama fan I don't know him, and just wondered about this. Thanks, GoTide.

I know but just for you GO FISH GoTide. We all Know you aren't and none of your BAMMER fans are either.
Originally posted by GoTide@Oct 21, 2004 8:52 PM
Does Fulmer promote Christian activities? church? the FCA? Does he attend church? Is he a Christian? Does anyone have any info on this? As a typical Bama fan I don't know him, and just wondered about this. Thanks, GoTide.

Where are you going with this Gotide? :dunno:
Where am I going with this? Something stinks? hmmmmm No, actually I just wondered. I am a believer, and I know that Mark Richt is, Tubs is, Shula is, and I don't know about the others. I have never heard, and I just wondered, that's all. That's a question that any Christian who knows that Fulmer is a Christian, should be proud to answer with a resounding "Yes".
I'm not knocking anyones religious beliefs,we just kinda figured you were going to make some rude remark,seeing how it is a Bama fan this is coming from.
i don't know 4 sure but he seems to be a family man and loyal to his coaching staff and players and the team prays before and after games and despite what most bama fans think he operates with integrity ...sounds like a christian to me
Since most every other post that has come from you has been a smratass comment, we just figured this was another one.
He is and has been very active in the FCA in years past. He also behaves himself with class on the sidelines and in interviews.
Alot of people claim to be "Christians" but don't really have a personal relationship with Christ. I don't think any of us know Fulmer well enough to be able to judge him and say he is or is not a Christian. He speaks at FCA functions alot and does alot of beneficial things for the community. I have never known Fulmer to be a dishonest guy. I think all of the negative press that only shows up within the state of Alabama is due to trying to find a scapegoat and deflect attention from the real problem which was illegal recruiting infractions by the University of Alabama.

Judge not lest thou be judged.
If you are a Christian, you know that you are not supposed to judge others. To paraphrase the Bible.... Don't be looking at the spec in your brothers eye when you've got a plank in your own. Another current saying is that when you are pointing the finger at someone else, there are always four fingers pointing back at yourself.
"Judge not lest Ye be judged yourself!"

You just quoted Metallica. . . .cool.

:rocks: :rocks: :rocks: :rocks:

On a serious note, amen to that comment, allvol.
There are people that go to Church three times a week and haven't a clue what it means to "know" God. There are preachers who steal and there are (gasp) clergy who molest little innocent boys.

Point being: Christianity and Faith are not to be decided based on outward appearance or proclaimed by others. Only One vote counts in the end on that subject. If you want to know about Fulmer's religious preference or devotion, why don't you ask HIM?

So, instead of lining up the coaches of the SEC and dividing up the saved and the damned, why don't we get back to talking football and whipping that Alabama tail?
So, instead of lining up the coaches of the SEC and dividing up the saved and the damned, why don't we get back to talking football and whipping that Alabama tail?

Anything to change the subject!!!!!!! They really dont have much football to talk about!!!!!!! ;)

Originally posted by maryvillereb2003@Oct 22, 2004 4:33 PM
i think he and his team have prayer meetings before the games

Especially before the Georgia and Florida games.




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