What's the weather like in Knoxville. It's suppose to start raining in the tri-cities any minute. If it rains i wonder if they will reschedule or just bring out the umbrellas. That would be an awesome dedication. The tarp is removed to a thunderous clap of lightning, which strikes the eyes of the statue and the famous stare comes to life. Of course, no one or the statue is harmed. Pat Summit is victorious even over the elements.
Got a text from RTS at the ceremony - lots of players present: Daedra, MM, Catch (who spoke - watch the video), Semeka, Hornbuckle, Spencer, Alberta, Conklin, on & on. Tyler is an awesome speaker.
thanks, I must have looked at way over 100 pictures, the photographer did a quality job of capturing the event from beginning to end. Hopefully, a cure can be found for it is heart-rendering to observe the just visible changes that the disease causes to such an outstanding person.