Pick a Vol



Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2009
Just to take a break from this pathetic season and our sucky fanbase with all the "fire coach martin" talk. Let's play a game :dance2:

I think there was another thread similar to this before so if so, merge or delete or whatever.

Name two Vols of the same position, the next poster will pick which is better and give a reason why then he'll give two Vols to pick for someone else and so on...

(sorry about the corny name. I just aint creative enough to come up with anything better :))

and I'll start with.....

Steve Hammer or Wayne Chism

Progressed throughout his whole career and was a baller when SR year rolled around.

Scooter McFadgon or Scotty Hopson
Different positions but if you could have just one of them right now, who wouldja take?


If anyone is looking at those pics saying "who is that?" Than you're NOT a vol fan!
Definitely the guy on the bottom picture looks like a star plus I think he borrowed my tv once 1st scenario would have taken Hamer 2nd no question CJ the pick he put on Ron Mercer when he knocked him out may have been the loudest I ever screamed at the tommy bowl :machgun::gun::bash::focus::neener::banghead2::rock:
Different positions but if you could have just one of them right now, who wouldja take?



King not even close one of the all time greats not just the SEC one of the best in the last 50 years I seen him play he was a man playing against boys.:dance2:

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