Pick'em Champion, again - Cardvolfan



919 miles
Staff member
Aug 23, 2013
Cardvolfan, I believe you won last year too? Congratulations on back to back championships, not a small feat by any means. Are you till at the same address as last year? If so, I'll get some stuff together and send it along in a week or so.........

Cardvolfan, I believe you won last year too? Congratulations on back to back championships, not a small feat by any means. Are you till at the same address as last year? If so, I'll get some stuff together and send it along in a week or so.........

Yes, I was lucky last year as well. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this each year. We appreciate all your hard work. I am still at the same address, however, please don’t worry about getting anything else for me this year. You were more than generous last year, and I appreciate last year’s prize. I think we all just have this love for Tennessee baseball and this contest allows us to exercise the competitive juices we have towards something we hold very near and dear.
Yes, I was lucky last year as well. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this each year. We appreciate all your hard work. I am still at the same address, however, please don’t worry about getting anything else for me this year. You were more than generous last year, and I appreciate last year’s prize. I think we all just have this love for Tennessee baseball and this contest allows us to exercise the competitive juices we have towards something we hold very near and dear.

I’ll send you something, probably won’t be World Series stuff again, however you never know…..😀. I’ll shoot you an email once I send it out. Give me a few weeks to see how the season plays out.

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