Pick'em Points Update 4/3



919 miles
Staff member
Aug 23, 2013
We have a two-way tie at the top and lots of contenders right behind...............

volplaya8    46
RespectAPA    43
cardvolfan    41
mssr_q    41
VolGirl81    40
Ttucke11    39
Volgrandpa    38
Volprofch05    38
BucWildVol    37
chuckiepoo    36
jctenn1    36
TrumpedUpVol    34
VolBaseball26    34
Volstylexx    34
Neyland123    31
Scorangevol    30
Vols330    30
The Dog    29
StarRaider    28
OldTimer    27
AllVolinGA    26
TheBigOne10    26
TheMookieMonster    26
@1RBFjr    25
morristown vol    25
drvenner    24
tdvol    24
theroyz71    24
Volinnooga    24
AllVolx3    23
OrngeJuiceJones    23
Ritzwatch    22
DonDiego    21
Hoosier_Vol    21
PHYSCO    21
cthvolsfan    20
Jax_Vol    20
knoxvol52    18
txbo    18
Halph66    17
feathersax    16
oldfiji    16
VolFanGBO    15
volfever007    15
volpops    14
GenRRN    11
Volfan1000    11
NO SIR EEE    10
SN-A-C Orange    10
volfanga    9
6-4-3    8
BP4Prez    8
grouchyvol    8
dillyo51    7
Orange931    7
Tbvol    7
PKT_Vol    6
Post4Vols    6
preacherman20    6
Warroiorvol    6
Golfprovol    5
kptvol1    5
Ktrain    5
NYCVolunteer    5
steponapoptop    5
WillisWG    4
711orange    3
Butch s    3
kell7517    3
Orangeslide    3
PigSkinOrange    3
Stacmot    3
Tennman    3
tfly    3
VolFan in St. Joe    3
vols555    3
hatingbamaisawayoflife    2
mrredskin    2
voltraveler    2
Aerie Vol    1
CunningLinguist    1
VolPack22    1
Christian Lowe    0
cincyvolfan    0
MoreSteam    0
Orange.    0
taylorvol    0
tennaseevol    0
VolunteerVFL    0
YankeeVol    0
terrypedigo    -3
TooRockyByFar    -3
volz2wallz    -3
1973Vol    -4
MAD    -4
volsagain    -4
tn4elvis    -10
Cmvol    -14
Drewbydoo    -15
NorCalVol67    -17
orange beard    -17
Orange Marlin    -22
jerrync    -23
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Reactions: Jax_Vol and MAD
Movin' on up, baby!! Need another big weekend in my chase for the top 40. Btw, anyone seen @MAD? Coulda swore I saw him ahead of me not too long ago, but he's gone MIA. Youth....fast outta the gate but no staying power.

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Reactions: MAD and chuckiepoo
Movin' on up, baby!! Need another big weekend in my chase for the top 40. Btw, anyone seen @MAD? Coulda swore I saw him ahead of me not too long ago, but he's gone MIA. Youth....fast outta the gate but no staying power.

This is the best I’ve done in 3 years.
We have a two-way tie at the top and lots of contenders right behind...............

volplaya8    46
RespectAPA    43
cardvolfan    41
mssr_q    41
VolGirl81    40
Ttucke11    39
Volgrandpa    38
Volprofch05    38
BucWildVol    37
chuckiepoo    36
jctenn1    36
TrumpedUpVol    34
VolBaseball26    34
Volstylexx    34
Neyland123    31
Scorangevol    30
Vols330    30
The Dog    29
StarRaider    28
OldTimer    27
AllVolinGA    26
TheBigOne10    26
TheMookieMonster    26
@1RBFjr    25
morristown vol    25
drvenner    24
tdvol    24
theroyz71    24
Volinnooga    24
AllVolx3    23
OrngeJuiceJones    23
Ritzwatch    22
DonDiego    21
Hoosier_Vol    21
PHYSCO    21
cthvolsfan    20
Jax_Vol    20
knoxvol52    18
txbo    18
Halph66    17
feathersax    16
oldfiji    16
VolFanGBO    15
volfever007    15
volpops    14
GenRRN    11
Volfan1000    11
NO SIR EEE    10
SN-A-C Orange    10
volfanga    9
6-4-3    8
BP4Prez    8
grouchyvol    8
dillyo51    7
Orange931    7
Tbvol    7
PKT_Vol    6
Post4Vols    6
preacherman20    6
Warroiorvol    6
Golfprovol    5
kptvol1    5
Ktrain    5
NYCVolunteer    5
steponapoptop    5
WillisWG    4
711orange    3
Butch s    3
kell7517    3
Orangeslide    3
PigSkinOrange    3
Stacmot    3
Tennman    3
tfly    3
VolFan in St. Joe    3
vols555    3
hatingbamaisawayoflife    2
mrredskin    2
voltraveler    2
Aerie Vol    1
CunningLinguist    1
VolPack22    1
Christian Lowe    0
cincyvolfan    0
MoreSteam    0
Orange.    0
taylorvol    0
tennaseevol    0
VolunteerVFL    0
YankeeVol    0
terrypedigo    -3
TooRockyByFar    -3
volz2wallz    -3
1973Vol    -4
MAD    -4
volsagain    -4
tn4elvis    -10
Cmvol    -14
Drewbydoo    -15
NorCalVol67    -17
orange beard    -17
Orange Marlin    -22
jerrync    -23
First time you have ever called me a contender.
Good idea; I may let all the negative point players have a competition to see who can finish the best of the worst.
My plan is to get out of negative this weekend.
I wish the rest of the negative players good luck.
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Reactions: chuckiepoo
Hey, @OldTimer , as a request, can @MAD still participate after the cut to see how he finishes out the season?

Uh oh on the cut line. I hope that's not a real thing because Mad and I were starting to sense a resurgence of some sort. All we have to do is apply the reverse logic to what we've been doing and we go from being bottom feeders to contenders. That's my theory, and I'm stickin' to it.
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Reactions: chuckiepoo and MAD

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