(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 10 said:
I saw "Star Wars" (1977) , "Empire Strikes Back (1980)", and "Return of the Jedi" (1983) at Hickory Hollow Mall (the theatre outside of the mall). I remember seeing "Flash Gordon" there, too. (inside the mall)
I saw "The Champ"and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" at the theatre near Steinmart on Nolensville Road.
Good times.
A few that I can remember, I saw at various places around town:
"Star Wars" at Cinema South (the one that was by Stein Mart on N'ville Rd) my grandad was visiting from Texas and he took me
see you really do remember that stuff;
"Empire Strikes Back" at Melrose Cinema on Franklin Rd.;
"Return of the Jedi" at Hickory Hollow outside the mall;
"Karate Kid" at Hickory Hollow inside the mall;
"Raiders of the Lost Ark" at Harding Mall, the old two-screen theater that you had to go inside the mall to enter and not the more recent one that was stuck on the side of the building;
"Enter the Ninja" (first Rated R movie I got to see in the theater) at the Bell Forge Cinema near Hickory Hollow;
"Sixteen Candles" (first real movie date) at 100 Oaks Cinema that was outside the mall in a strip next to a pool hall (maybe a Gameland?);
"Police Academy" at Brentwood Cinema, my mom had to go with me bacause I was maybe 13 or 14 and she laughed more than me; and
"Jackie Brown" at the Belcourt, that was the last movie I saw there before it turned into arthouse cinema but I still go there sometimes I something sounds good.
Other theaters that I remember going to numerous times but just can't think of any standout experiences right now are the Franklin 8 and Franklin 12 that were pretty much accross HWY 96 from one another, Fountain Square, Lion's Head, and the Belle Meade Theater. i'm leaving off the Franklin Cinema since I had it in my prior post. Also, when I was a kid several of the downtown theaters were still standing but by then they were all either abandoned or showing porno. I guess people who were born after home video had really caught on will have a hard time beleiving that folks used to go to a public theater to watch X-rated movies but it sure happened.