Player Bashing



Senior Member
Sep 28, 2004
I for one think this is not the place for player bashing. What have these young men done to us. They leave home commit to give their all to Tennessee bust their but in spring summer and fall. Have to live under the watchful eye of big brother "NCAA".
Then listen to a bunch of fans complain that they suck they did this they did that.
The internet has become the water cooler of the world. Before we talked amung ourselves and complain and whine and the reportes would spill their splurge.

Player bashing is not the Southern way as many would agree we were raised to believe "if you have nothing good to say about somone one don't say anything at all".

As Volunteer fans it is our duty to "Support these young men who put there bodies on line for us to enjoy a "GAME", many have asperations of the NFL but the reality a small few will ever be succesful enoigh that they will never have to work again. They go to The NFL play three years then come back to the reality that the have to work nine to five jobs like everyone else in america.

So why don't we instead of thinking of everything that these kids have done wrong think about what they have done right.

If you followed the recruiting trail this year the one word that comes to mind is "family" or "home". So why don't we start acting like that and support our "Brothers in Orange"

I a point. But if a SCHOLARSHIP player is getting arrested for drugs, disturbing the peace, brawling, etc. etc, I expect SOMEBODY to get on their butt. I don't believe calling for accountability is "bashing", any more than I think failing a kid for sub-par work is "picking on" them. I love the Vols but am not so naive as to think that everything they do or say is worthy of commendation. On the flip side, they shouldn't be constantly berated either. I am pretty sure the coaches help the players deal with any criticism they get-negative or positive.

Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jan 18, 2005 3:46 PM
I a point. But if a SCHOLARSHIP player is getting arrested for drugs, disturbing the peace, brawling, etc. etc, I expect SOMEBODY to get on their butt. I don't believe calling for accountability is "bashing", any more than I think failing a kid for sub-par work is "picking on" them. I love the Vols but am not so naive as to think that everything they do or say is worthy of commendation. On the flip side, they shouldn't be constantly berated either. I am pretty sure the coaches help the players deal with any criticism they get-negative or positive.


I understand what you are saying LIO but that is for the coaches and parents to discipline not me. I try to remember my own past when I was that age and the mistakes I made. We as fans put such high expectaions on these kids it is unreal.

For insatnce this year we are on the brink of one the best recruiting classes in the country and we already talking National Champioships. They haven't even signed a letter of intent the real commitment to play. I for one have high expectations. But when we critisize young men and women for making mistakes that is wrong IMHO.

This was not intended to make anybody mad these are my personal beliefs. These guys leave home for the first time and are instant celebrities that is pressure and sometimes lead to dumb mistakes. If any one has never made a mistake than let them say something.

Growing up if I got in trouble "which happened more than I care to admit" my parents punished me. If a stanger said something they were out of line.

The parents and family of these kids read these boards just like the rest of them. I owonder what they think of Bashing their children for comments when the make mistakes.
You know, with all of the pressure and the attention that these young men have to deal with, most of them impress me. These guys work really hard so they can make us fans proud. It has to be hard to be in the position that they are in. They are really popular around school. Everyone wants them to come to their parties. Everyone wants a piece of them. Add that to playing in front of 108,000 crazy fans and millions of viewers on TV. On top of dealing with all of that, they have to go to class in order to stay eligible. I am impressed if only a couple of them get in some trouble every year. That is a lot to deal with when you are a young college student. That is what these guys are after all, college students and college students tend to do some dumb things from time to time. Lord knows I did! That is my :twocents:
Good stuff and good comments, like I said before. This is great stuff to read. Positive usually always goes a lot farther than negative. These guys live in a different world, so to speak, from most of their peers, so the pressure is a fact of life.

Parents, coaches, fans, friends, and faculty all have to do their respective jobs to aid and assist these guys as they meander through our beloved university and its football program. But we should all also hold them to a certain degree of accountability to do their part too.

I love U.T. football and everything it brings to our lives to enrich us. And I appreciate the commitment these guys make to make that happen.

Let us not go the way of the 'Canes on our players. If a player has a problem, realize that he is still a talented individual. Help him out and don't push him down. His scholarship was payed for by those that support your beloved football program, so act with caring and financial responsibility. In this case, the two go hand-in-hand.
why cant we bash players. especially at a program like ut. this is one of the top 5 programs period. and this site is for talking about ut football. and that includes the players. if u dont like it dont read it or post against it but that is part of the freedom we have. the coaches just put together a gameplan. the players have to perform. if they dont then we can criticize. but thats why we are here. right?nothing else to talk about. I MISS COLLEGE FOOTBALL. :banghead:
i can bash players all i want. they need to learn how to except critism anyways.
if we couldnt bash the players. college football wouldnt be as fun. its part of it. they can cry me a river.
:clap: thank you. i cant stand people who get mad because we rip players. if they come in to a top program you better compete and not mess up or we will rip u a new :shakeit:
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 18, 2005 8:49 PM
:clap: thank you. i cant stand people who get mad because we rip players. if they come in to a top program you better compete and not mess up or we will rip u a new :shakeit:

I just don't like the "perform or else" attitude. These kids come in and work harder than most people will in their lifetimes to deliver a win to Tennessee week in and week out. Bashing your own team is selfish. Constructive criticism is fine, but player and coach-bashing are for Florida fans.
Originally posted by dalelindsay81@Jan 18, 2005 8:44 PM
if they dont then we can criticize. but thats why we are here. right?

There is a lot of difference between criticism and bashing a player! Do you know the difference?
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 18, 2005 8:59 PM
I just don't like the "perform or else" attitude. These kids come in and work harder than most people will in their lifetimes to deliver a win to Tennessee week in and week out. Bashing your own team is selfish. Constructive criticism is fine, but player and coach-bashing are for Florida fans.

i never said perform or else. i just think we can talk bad about the way they played. we also talk them up when they do good. so if we can talk good about them then we can talk bad too. two way street. cant ignore a bad play or game.
i know the diffrence like i criticize randy sanders but bash c.j. leak?
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 18, 2005 9:01 PM
i know the diffrence like i criticize randy sanders but bash c.j. leak?

why would we bash CJ Leak? He nevers plays....That's not a slam its just a fact...Why slam someone who don't get to play? That shows ignorance to me

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