Players that lay down suck. This aint all on Dooley.



Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2004
Sick of seeing all the Dooley sucks posts. I don't care how bad a coach might be. You're a player that lays down in the game. You suck and don't deserve your scholarship. Where's the accountability for these players?
Was waiting on one of these posts. You think a player would lay down if he respected his coach? You think Franklin would tolerate one of his players "laying down."

It ain't ALL on Dooley, but it's all on Dooley to let these shenanigans continue.
Just dumb. Players don't lay down if they believe in their leader.
You can tell that they don't care if he's gone or not. They haven't made the slightest attempt to put an effort out there that would be worthy of keeping him.
I'll say it again...does anyone really think there's an ounceof confidence let alone care on the UT sidelines right now....we're looking at the worst state of the UT program in a long, long time.
Such a dumb post...people on here are just freaking stupid. Dooley is the coach, it is his fault his team, but not for long. Has a coaching change decision ever been so easy?
Well when you have spent the better part of 3 years playing for a coach that does anything and everything to kill momentum and make sure you never get in rhythm then eventually you're gonna get sick of it and stop trying.
They yanked Bray because of a tipped ball INT when they should've let him go in and find his rhythm. They swap out a RB every time one starts getting solid runs. They pull out the WRs right after they make a decnt catch. They run the most predictable plays on offense.
Defense, well it looks like they don't EVER watch film from the other teams. They just go out there, pull plays out of a hat and run it regardless of how the O lines up. They also never change anything no matter how bad it is, whether it be a player or plays, they stick with it probably thinking that with the law of odds eventually its bound to work.

For the most part, and with only a few exceptions, this staff is a complete joke and has ruined the careers of many good players.
You're right. It's harts fault as well. Dooley lost this team weeks ago yet hart doesn't make a announcement? Should've named an interem coach and hoped the team would rally
At this point why even try when Dooley would just cost them the game with his decision making in critical situations as of late (Heck, throughout his career overall) if they were in such a position to be able to win?

I honestly believe these players wish to have a leader that they can have faith in and will have them in legitimate positions to finish and win games, and I for one do not blame them.
Just dumb. Players don't lay down if they believe in their leader.


The playing for a lame duck, bum coach that has never demanded respect.

That doesn't make it right on their end, but he's the HC its his baby.

Or used to be.
Sick of seeing all the Dooley sucks posts. I don't care how bad a coach might be. You're a player that lays down in the game. You suck and don't deserve your scholarship. Where's the accountability for these players?

Actually... yes. Yes, it is on Dooley. That is his job.
This kid has only been in the program for 6 months and he give everything he's got every play!!! He doesn't care the score of the game, he plays with heart every play! Unlike some players on this team! Im sick and tried of watching Hunter and Bray! Please go to the NFL! They are horrible leaders! Laughing on sideline, spraying water on fans, get real....this is not high school. By the way Ive seen to much of Hunter this year. He will not make it in the NFL! He doesnt have what it takes...sorry. Blast away but Im sick of it!!
How hard is it to understand? The head coach quit on his players two weeks in a row. It's hard enough to stay motivated when you are being beat, but it's virtually impossible for a young person to remain motivated when their leader quits.
Sick of seeing all the Dooley sucks posts. I don't care how bad a coach might be. You're a player that lays down in the game. You suck and don't deserve your scholarship. Where's the accountability for these players?

Interesting post. You blame players then you ask where the accountability is.

It's Dooley's job to hold these kids accountable!
I was curious to see what kind of mental gymnastics Dooley supporters would have to pull in order to defend him after this loss. now I know. Op...did you see the final score or are you blind?
Here's the senario...Hart told Dooley that his Job would be secure if he went 6-6 and won the bowl game. The players know this. If players love their coach and want him to stay they will fight for him. It was clear tonight that they don't care/want him as a coach. And as much as I hate players who give up, I also hate a coach who fosters. The culture needs to change, the players need an attitude check, and Dooley is not the man that can do it. He is at the heart of the problem. In the end it falls on the coach. The Buck stops with Dooley. Put a fork in him, he's done.
Defend Dooley all you want. When you take out your starter out at a turning point in the game is stupid and keeping him out is worst. When you dont have you player trust this is what happen get the he$( out of here man with that these guys are tire of following a blind leader
This kid has only been in the program for 6 months and he give everything he's got every play!!! He doesn't care the score of the game, he plays with heart every play! Unlike some players on this team! Im sick and tried of watching Hunter and Bray! Please go to the NFL! They are horrible leaders! Laughing on sideline, spraying water on fans, get real....this is not high school. By the way Ive seen to much of Hunter this year. He will not make it in the NFL! He doesnt have what it takes...sorry. Blast away but Im sick of it!!

Wasn't he the player that gave no effort on the interception?
One year too late. Mr. Hart should've been a better study of Tennessee football history.

Lack of character and leadership amongst the young men wearing our colors should always be blamed on the man selected to develop and strengthen those characteristics in them.

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