Police kill man with machete at Colorado campus

Sounds like that dude may have brought a knife to a gunfight. Kidding aside, I'm glad no one else was hurt.
I'm assuming drug related?
American police are so badly trained, or badly equipped, or both. The problem is that they simply don't know how to subdue someone with a weapon short of shooting and killing the person. They do this all the time. It's like, well, the easiest thing to do is shoot, so let's shoot.

Why not taser the guy? I'm astounded that our police force doesn't use tasers more often. If an individual doesn't put down a weapon when asked, it is probably because he or she is mentally disturbed. You can be a person holding a small knife, and there can be multiple policeman around you, but if you don't cooperate, they'll just shoot you. I saw a video of a guy in some city who was walking around with knife--older black man, no doubt mentally disturbed. The police arrive, in numbers, and surround the guy, who ends up standing with his back against some wall or wooden fence, with about 8 police officers in a semi-circle around him. He's still got the knife, won't put it down--and then they shoot and kill him. There is something badly wrong with police departments that cannot subdue a man with a knife who, once confronted by police, is not a threat to the public. I think many police are absolutely terrified of their own safety, which shouldn't be the case, and this is one reason they are quick to shoot.

If somebody is an immediate threat to the public, then, yea, shoot the person if necessary. But a man with a knife or even a machete who is confronted by multiple police officers is not a threat to the public--only to the police, and even that is doubtful as worst case he can be shot.

What do animal researchers or animal control teams do when they want to subdue an animal that might be dangerous? They shoot it with a drug-carrying dart of some kind, and the animal passes out. The work is done, the animal awakens and is released--still alive! Or they throw a net over an animal, or they tie an animal up. Even big, dangerous animals are caught--they are not just shot and killed. Yet when it comes to humans, the police apparently have no alternative to shooting other than tasering, and they don't seem to like tasering. It's kind of primitive policing, when you think about it.
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American police are so badly trained, or badly equipped, or both. The problem is that they simply don't know how to subdue someone with a weapon short of shooting and killing the person. They do this all the time. It's like, well, the easiest thing to do is shoot, so let's shoot.

Why not taser the guy? I'm astounded that our police force doesn't use tasers more often. If an individual doesn't put down a weapon when asked, it is probably because he or she is mentally disturbed. You can be a person holding a small knife, and there can be multiple policeman around you, but if you don't cooperate, they'll just shoot you. I saw a video of a guy in some city who was walking around with knife--older black man, no doubt mentally disturbed. The police arrive, in numbers, and surround the guy, who ends up standing with his back against some wall or wooden fence, with about 8 police officers in a semi-circle around him. He's still got the knife, won't put it down--and then they shoot and kill him. There is something badly wrong with police departments that cannot subdue a man with a knife who, once confronted by police, is not a threat to the public. I think many police are absolutely terrified of their own safety, which shouldn't be the case, and this is one reason they are quick to shoot.

If somebody is an immediate threat to the public, then, yea, shoot the person if necessary. But a man with a knife or even a machete who is confronted by multiple police officers is not a threat to the public--only to the police, and even that is doubtful as worst case he can be shot.

What do animal researchers or animal control teams do when they want to subdue an animal that might be dangerous? They shoot it with a drug-carrying dart of some kind, and the animal passes out. The work is done, the animal awakens and is released--still alive! Or they throw a net over an animal, or they tie an animal up. Even big, dangerous animals are caught--they are not just shot and killed. Yet when it comes to humans, the police apparently have no alternative to shooting other than tasering, and they don't seem to like tasering. It's kind of primitive policing, when you think about it.

another cause is drugs, in which case the tasers often do not work. the chemicals have them so messed up the taser can't disrupt their system.

and despite what the media, and taser companies, sell they aren't magic bullets. Extremely short range, very inaccurate and even on "normal" people they don't always work. Getting both prongs fully engaged, they lose their charge from non-use etc etc.

using chemicals might be safer for the cops but its a crap shoot on the person. there is a reason anesthesiologists are some of the highest paid professionals. Wrong type of chemical person has a reaction, a little too much they are dead or have major complications. allergies and other medications are complications that could easily have bad reactions. also in the case you mentioned the tranqs come out once they have been cornered, cops don't get that luxury. and most of the times these are just patrol officers, not specialists, you have to recognize who you are dealing with on that side as well.

and you are right it is sick that we resort to guns and killing, but its "cleaner". less risk on police, both in the field and in liability. and killing someone is the only guarantee anyone has to stop the bad guy. (not having an argument on innocents getting shot).

its easy for us to say what they should have done, but put yourself in that situation. Either as the cop, or the general public in that area. your first concern is that the job gets done, that the person is stopped and that the people are protected. everything else is, and imo should be, a distant second. Are you going to sit by and feel safe as the general public while it takes the cops an extra hour or two to stop a guy that they could have shot? What if its your family, its a tired point but one that can't be minimized. as the cop are you going to feel safe sitting there with a "caged and dangerous animal" figuring out ways to get out of its current situation, even if it means going through you or one of your buds? are you going to stand by and let that risk escalate as they realize what a desperate situation they have gotten themselves into, are you going to let one of your friends get hurt or killed just to have the moral high ground to stand on before taking action?

imo its a judgement call, one I am betting most cops never even want to consider, and most who do make it replay it over and over. that is the burden we place on them. and with it being a judgement call we have no right to second guess the actions of an individual. if we don't like shooting we need to provide an actual "silver bullet" that works everywhere, that we can give every cop and expect them to get it right every time they use it. tasers are not it, chemicals are not it. I like the idea of robots, but they are expensive.
American police are so badly trained, or badly equipped, or both. The problem is that they simply don't know how to subdue someone with a weapon short of shooting and killing the person. They do this all the time. It's like, well, the easiest thing to do is shoot, so let's shoot.

Why not taser the guy? I'm astounded that our police force doesn't use tasers more often. If an individual doesn't put down a weapon when asked, it is probably because he or she is mentally disturbed. You can be a person holding a small knife, and there can be multiple policeman around you, but if you don't cooperate, they'll just shoot you. I saw a video of a guy in some city who was walking around with knife--older black man, no doubt mentally disturbed. The police arrive, in numbers, and surround the guy, who ends up standing with his back against some wall or wooden fence, with about 8 police officers in a semi-circle around him. He's still got the knife, won't put it down--and then they shoot and kill him. There is something badly wrong with police departments that cannot subdue a man with a knife who, once confronted by police, is not a threat to the public. I think many police are absolutely terrified of their own safety, which shouldn't be the case, and this is one reason they are quick to shoot.

If somebody is an immediate threat to the public, then, yea, shoot the person if necessary. But a man with a knife or even a machete who is confronted by multiple police officers is not a threat to the public--only to the police, and even that is doubtful as worst case he can be shot.

What do animal researchers or animal control teams do when they want to subdue an animal that might be dangerous? They shoot it with a drug-carrying dart of some kind, and the animal passes out. The work is done, the animal awakens and is released--still alive! Or they throw a net over an animal, or they tie an animal up. Even big, dangerous animals are caught--they are not just shot and killed. Yet when it comes to humans, the police apparently have no alternative to shooting other than tasering, and they don't seem to like tasering. It's kind of primitive policing, when you think about it.

Have you been a police officer or even for that matter in security?? If not then you should do a few shifts in their boots sometime. Are there bad cops that are way to quick to use action or properly trained? Yes of course just like any profession. Sometimes deadly force is the right action, play a stupid game when a bad gift.

This past week in Indy a officer took down a man on crack holding his baby with a knife to her throat without a shot. These are very rare moments but unlike us who can sit here and think what we would do they have seconds to choose what could or could not happen...just saying. If a guy with a knife, machete or a gun comes near my family I'm not going to try to talk the idiot down, my 9mm will.
American police are so badly trained, or badly equipped, or both. The problem is that they simply don't know how to subdue someone with a weapon short of shooting and killing the person. They do this all the time. It's like, well, the easiest thing to do is shoot, so let's shoot.

Why not taser the guy? I'm astounded that our police force doesn't use tasers more often. If an individual doesn't put down a weapon when asked, it is probably because he or she is mentally disturbed. You can be a person holding a small knife, and there can be multiple policeman around you, but if you don't cooperate, they'll just shoot you. I saw a video of a guy in some city who was walking around with knife--older black man, no doubt mentally disturbed. The police arrive, in numbers, and surround the guy, who ends up standing with his back against some wall or wooden fence, with about 8 police officers in a semi-circle around him. He's still got the knife, won't put it down--and then they shoot and kill him. There is something badly wrong with police departments that cannot subdue a man with a knife who, once confronted by police, is not a threat to the public. I think many police are absolutely terrified of their own safety, which shouldn't be the case, and this is one reason they are quick to shoot.

If somebody is an immediate threat to the public, then, yea, shoot the person if necessary. But a man with a knife or even a machete who is confronted by multiple police officers is not a threat to the public--only to the police, and even that is doubtful as worst case he can be shot.

What do animal researchers or animal control teams do when they want to subdue an animal that might be dangerous? They shoot it with a drug-carrying dart of some kind, and the animal passes out. The work is done, the animal awakens and is released--still alive! Or they throw a net over an animal, or they tie an animal up. Even big, dangerous animals are caught--they are not just shot and killed. Yet when it comes to humans, the police apparently have no alternative to shooting other than tasering, and they don't seem to like tasering. It's kind of primitive policing, when you think about it.

The only thing worse than bringing a knife to a gunfight is bringing a taser to a machete fight.
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American police are so badly trained, or badly equipped, or both. The problem is that they simply don't know how to subdue someone with a weapon short of shooting and killing the person. They do this all the time. It's like, well, the easiest thing to do is shoot, so let's shoot.

Why not taser the guy? I'm astounded that our police force doesn't use tasers more often. If an individual doesn't put down a weapon when asked, it is probably because he or she is mentally disturbed. You can be a person holding a small knife, and there can be multiple policeman around you, but if you don't cooperate, they'll just shoot you. I saw a video of a guy in some city who was walking around with knife--older black man, no doubt mentally disturbed. The police arrive, in numbers, and surround the guy, who ends up standing with his back against some wall or wooden fence, with about 8 police officers in a semi-circle around him. He's still got the knife, won't put it down--and then they shoot and kill him. There is something badly wrong with police departments that cannot subdue a man with a knife who, once confronted by police, is not a threat to the public. I think many police are absolutely terrified of their own safety, which shouldn't be the case, and this is one reason they are quick to shoot.

If somebody is an immediate threat to the public, then, yea, shoot the person if necessary. But a man with a knife or even a machete who is confronted by multiple police officers is not a threat to the public--only to the police, and even that is doubtful as worst case he can be shot.

What do animal researchers or animal control teams do when they want to subdue an animal that might be dangerous? They shoot it with a drug-carrying dart of some kind, and the animal passes out. The work is done, the animal awakens and is released--still alive! Or they throw a net over an animal, or they tie an animal up. Even big, dangerous animals are caught--they are not just shot and killed. Yet when it comes to humans, the police apparently have no alternative to shooting other than tasering, and they don't seem to like tasering. It's kind of primitive policing, when you think about it.

Do I need to show you the graphic video of a knife wielding man surrounded by AK-47 armed police in some part of the world? They didn't shoot right away and the one of the officers lost his life, but please continue to think everyone that wears a badge is Steven Segal....

Video: Knife Attack On Police - Why Police Don't Play With Knife Wielding Suspects - Blue Lives Matter
American police are so badly trained, or badly equipped, or both. The problem is that they simply don't know how to subdue someone with a weapon short of shooting and killing the person. They do this all the time. It's like, well, the easiest thing to do is shoot, so let's shoot.

Why not taser the guy? I'm astounded that our police force doesn't use tasers more often. If an individual doesn't put down a weapon when asked, it is probably because he or she is mentally disturbed. You can be a person holding a small knife, and there can be multiple policeman around you, but if you don't cooperate, they'll just shoot you. I saw a video of a guy in some city who was walking around with knife--older black man, no doubt mentally disturbed. The police arrive, in numbers, and surround the guy, who ends up standing with his back against some wall or wooden fence, with about 8 police officers in a semi-circle around him. He's still got the knife, won't put it down--and then they shoot and kill him. There is something badly wrong with police departments that cannot subdue a man with a knife who, once confronted by police, is not a threat to the public. I think many police are absolutely terrified of their own safety, which shouldn't be the case, and this is one reason they are quick to shoot.

If somebody is an immediate threat to the public, then, yea, shoot the person if necessary. But a man with a knife or even a machete who is confronted by multiple police officers is not a threat to the public--only to the police, and even that is doubtful as worst case he can be shot.

What do animal researchers or animal control teams do when they want to subdue an animal that might be dangerous? They shoot it with a drug-carrying dart of some kind, and the animal passes out. The work is done, the animal awakens and is released--still alive! Or they throw a net over an animal, or they tie an animal up. Even big, dangerous animals are caught--they are not just shot and killed. Yet when it comes to humans, the police apparently have no alternative to shooting other than tasering, and they don't seem to like tasering. It's kind of primitive policing, when you think about it.
Worked at a grocery store during college and manager called the law on a customer who was clearly on drugs. I literally watched this guy get chased around the store then shot in the back with a taser. Not only did he not go down he continued running and ran through the sliding store doors knocking both of their tracks. Using a taser against someone with any type of deadly weapon is not a good choice.
Sounds like terrorism, didn't read the article but machetes are the choice of beheaders worldwide. Brandish a machete, get shot like the dog you are.
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Sounds like terrorism, didn't read the article but machetes are the choice of beheaders worldwide. Brandish a machete, get shot like the dog you are.

Amen! Weed that part of the gene pool out.......

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