Politically Biased AI



Oct 21, 2004
Didn't know where else to put this but interesting experiment given the news this particular AI has garnered. The big question is how do we reap the promise of AI without it being viewpoint dominant?

Where does ChatGPT fall on the political compass?

Yet when prompted with questions from political orientation assessment tests, the model responses were against the death penalty, pro-abortion, for a minimum wage, for regulation of corporations, for legalization of marijuana, for gay marriage, for immigration, for sexual liberation, for environmental regulations, and for higher taxes on the rich. Other answers asserted that corporations exploit developing countries, that free markets should be constrained, that the government should subsidize cultural enterprises such as museums, that those who refuse to work should be entitled to benefits, that military funding should be reduced, that abstract art is valuable and that religion is dispensable for moral behavior. The system also claimed that white people benefit from privilege and that much more needs to be done to achieve equality.
Didn't know where else to put this but interesting experiment given the news this particular AI has garnered. The big question is how do we reap the promise of AI without it being viewpoint dominant?

Where does ChatGPT fall on the political compass?

Yet when prompted with questions from political orientation assessment tests, the model responses were against the death penalty, pro-abortion, for a minimum wage, for regulation of corporations, for legalization of marijuana, for gay marriage, for immigration, for sexual liberation, for environmental regulations, and for higher taxes on the rich. Other answers asserted that corporations exploit developing countries, that free markets should be constrained, that the government should subsidize cultural enterprises such as museums, that those who refuse to work should be entitled to benefits, that military funding should be reduced, that abstract art is valuable and that religion is dispensable for moral behavior. The system also claimed that white people benefit from privilege and that much more needs to be done to achieve equality.

Why would one feel compelled to interact at all with that system?
Didn't know where else to put this but interesting experiment given the news this particular AI has garnered. The big question is how do we reap the promise of AI without it being viewpoint dominant?

Where does ChatGPT fall on the political compass?

Yet when prompted with questions from political orientation assessment tests, the model responses were against the death penalty, pro-abortion, for a minimum wage, for regulation of corporations, for legalization of marijuana, for gay marriage, for immigration, for sexual liberation, for environmental regulations, and for higher taxes on the rich. Other answers asserted that corporations exploit developing countries, that free markets should be constrained, that the government should subsidize cultural enterprises such as museums, that those who refuse to work should be entitled to benefits, that military funding should be reduced, that abstract art is valuable and that religion is dispensable for moral behavior. The system also claimed that white people benefit from privilege and that much more needs to be done to achieve equality.
Sounds like they over corrected from earlier.

AI can be sexist and racist — it’s time to make it fair

I wouldnt be as skeptical if it didnt read purely as a liberal playbook.
Didn't know where else to put this but interesting experiment given the news this particular AI has garnered. The big question is how do we reap the promise of AI without it being viewpoint dominant?

Where does ChatGPT fall on the political compass?

Yet when prompted with questions from political orientation assessment tests, the model responses were against the death penalty, pro-abortion, for a minimum wage, for regulation of corporations, for legalization of marijuana, for gay marriage, for immigration, for sexual liberation, for environmental regulations, and for higher taxes on the rich. Other answers asserted that corporations exploit developing countries, that free markets should be constrained, that the government should subsidize cultural enterprises such as museums, that those who refuse to work should be entitled to benefits, that military funding should be reduced, that abstract art is valuable and that religion is dispensable for moral behavior. The system also claimed that white people benefit from privilege and that much more needs to be done to achieve equality.
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old saying is GIGO (garbage in, garbage out).

How on earth do you think an AI would learn anything else, since its algos and heuristic models were crafted by hard core libs?
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old saying is GIGO (garbage in, garbage out).

How on earth do you think an AI would learn anything else, since its algos and heuristic models were crafted by hard core libs?

Then there's the whole "learning" part outside the input. There are LOTS of things that sure do look "nice" in theory that go all to hell in real world application.
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