Politics Forum Poll

Politics Forum poll

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tidwell says Keep it like it is with respectful threads in the pub, USAF will live.
it's the offseason, so I think most of this talk will go away come late August, which is one reason for not changing.
(tidwell @ May 28 said:
tidwell says Keep it like it is with respectful threads in the pub, USAF will live.

For the last time tidwell. I was not complaining about all the political threads. I only suggested it to help people sort through things.

Good grief man. :banghead:
(USAF_Vol @ May 28 said:
For the last time tidwell. I was not complaining about all the political threads. I only suggested it to help people sort through things.

Good grief man. :banghead:
trouble maker. :p
Any more thoughts on this? I looks like people are split.
Why can't we just not discuss politics?? This IS a SPORTS message board after all. Political discussions bore me.
(LadyinOrange @ Jun 14 said:
Why can't we just not discuss politics?? This IS a SPORTS message board after all. Political discussions bore me.

Politics . . . along with golf . . . is life. :D
(LadyinOrange @ Jun 14 said:
Why can't we just not discuss politics?? This IS a SPORTS message board after all. Political discussions bore me.

You were against the chick pic thread too and you see how well that's done... :biggrin2:

But for what it's worth, I don't think a politics forum is needed. Once football starts up, the PUB won't get much attention anyway.
(LadyinOrange @ Jun 14 said:
Why can't we just not discuss politics?? This IS a SPORTS message board after all. Political discussions bore me.

Why can&#39;t we just get along</span><span style="color:#FF6600">????????? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
(LadyinOrange &#064; Jun 14 said:
Why can&#39;t we just not discuss politics?? This IS a SPORTS message board after all. Political discussions bore me.

Politics is the greatest sport there is....opposing teams taking jabs at each other....scores changing.....doping....sex....drugs...money....power....endorsements....TV interviews....scandal....
(USAF_Vol &#064; Jun 24 said:

We need to get this figured out.

It would be figured out if you would quit bumping this thread and bringing it back up. :p
(Orangewhiteblood &#064; Jun 24 said:
It would be figured out if you would quit bumping this thread and bringing it back up. :p

Nope, just proves that the boss is lazy. :p (Using this smilie denotes I am joking)

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