Poser off the ropes. Poser with the big boot to the Unions!

I didn't know Florida was in Wisconsin.

No, but seriously,

ib4 anybody comes in and calls this a "mandate by the people of Wisconsin."
Fiddle while Rome burns. Like it or not this and other such efforts will come back to haunt the GOP in 2012.
I have alwayas viewed American politics like a pendulum.

The problem lately is the pendulum keeps swing wider and wider each opposite way when it swings back.
Radical left or radical right, take your pick. Tear it down, rebuild it , it doesn't work for the people anymore.
Some talk about the votes being "found." Sounds like fraud to me, considering 7500 votes is the exact number needed to prevent an automatic recount. The county clerk manages the election alone, in secret, and on her personal computer.

Seems like it's not the first time she's been questioned on the issue.

Officials dispute reliability of Waukesha County clerk's election data system - JSOnline.mobi

7500 votes in her back pocket? A candidate has to pay for a recount if the margin is over 0.5%.
1,500,000 votes x 0.005 = 7500?
Sounds like a scheme to buy enough time for the guy in the woodshed to fillout 7500 paper ballots, to be "found" in the trunk of her car.
She "forgot" Brookfield? The biggest, Republicanist city in her county?
Yeah right.
Slimy slimy slimy.

Just something to think about. Seems like there's ample evidence for fraud by Democrats and Republican'ts across the country.
Some talk about the votes being "found." Sounds like fraud to me, considering 7500 votes is the exact number needed to prevent an automatic recount. The county clerk manages the election alone, in secret, and on her personal computer.

Seems like it's not the first time she's been questioned on the issue.

Officials dispute reliability of Waukesha County clerk's election data system - JSOnline.mobi

7500 votes in her back pocket? A candidate has to pay for a recount if the margin is over 0.5%.
1,500,000 votes x 0.005 = 7500?
Sounds like a scheme to buy enough time for the guy in the woodshed to fillout 7500 paper ballots, to be "found" in the trunk of her car.
She "forgot" Brookfield? The biggest, Republicanist city in her county?
Yeah right.
Slimy slimy slimy.

Just something to think about. Seems like there's ample evidence for fraud by Democrats and Republican'ts across the country.

I personally do not know if there was voter fraud on either side of this election. The only thing that concerns me is to vote in Wisconsin all you have to do is show up and say you want to vote and even if you dont have an id to prove it if the person next to you vouches that you live there you are allowed to vote. This is a recipe for voter fraud.

I am much against same day registration voting rights. It shouldn't be that easy.
with all the money the labor unions spent on this election, you can bet there is voter fraud going on in the direction of that Cloppenger chick.
Some talk about the votes being "found." Sounds like fraud to me, considering 7500 votes is the exact number needed to prevent an automatic recount. The county clerk manages the election alone, in secret, and on her personal computer.

Seems like it's not the first time she's been questioned on the issue.

Officials dispute reliability of Waukesha County clerk's election data system - JSOnline.mobi

7500 votes in her back pocket? A candidate has to pay for a recount if the margin is over 0.5%.
1,500,000 votes x 0.005 = 7500?
Sounds like a scheme to buy enough time for the guy in the woodshed to fillout 7500 paper ballots, to be "found" in the trunk of her car.
She "forgot" Brookfield? The biggest, Republicanist city in her county?
Yeah right.
Slimy slimy slimy.

Just something to think about. Seems like there's ample evidence for fraud by Democrats and Republican'ts across the country.

you would know about voter fraud, your party has been doing it for years.
with all the money the labor unions spent on this election, you can bet there is voter fraud going on in the direction of that Cloppenger chick.

There was a lot of money spent by the Koch brothers and the Tea party as well.
TP spent 10K.

That's alot of money in the world of politics?


A tad more than 10K...look at the article. Both sides spent big bucks

Tea Party, Labor Spend Big in Wisconsin High Court Race - FoxNews.com

Four conservative groups, including the Tea Party Express, have combined to spend $1.2 million so far on pro-Prosser ads, according to a media-tracking group. A liberal heavyweight had spent $993,000, as of Thursday. And spending on both sides was expected to hit a furious pace in the campaign's final days.

One conservative group, the California-based Tea Party Express, is aiming to spend up to $200,000 on an ad that paints Kloppenburg as unqualified for a judgeship and a puppet of union bosses. The group says its Wisconsin members asked it to get involved after labor unions went on the offensive against Prosser.
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I have no idea whether this local election person just screwed up transferring the numbers from individual precincts, as claimed, or whether it is more nefarious than that.

Frankly, although I am suspicious for the reasons previously cited by others, it is so obvious that the matter will be closely checked into that it would be incredibly dumb for the lady to manufacture votes to accomplish this. So, right now, my inclination is that she's telling the truth.

She might deserve to be fired for being a doofus, yes, but that wouldn't affect the election.



M.JOSEPH SHEPPARD’S "A POINT OF VIEW": Palin Endorsed Prosser Wins Wisconsin Judicial Recount-Palin Big Winner Too

Palin, alone amongst the high profile
2012 possible candidates had the guts
to endorse Judge Prosser, once again
putting her principles above any
personal election considerations-and
she has added yet another endorsement
victory to her substantial total.

The election has taken a far more
important role in the mind of the
public for a whole host of reasons.

1.It is seen as a vote on Governor
Walker's actions in taking on the
unions over collective bargaining.

2.It is a vote in proxy on the actions
of the Democratic Party politicians
who fled the state rather than undergo
the normal democratic process when
the bill came up for voting on.

3.It is a referendum on the swing to
the GOP last November,which was itself
a referendum on the Obama administrations

Even Reuters, which has taken a
decidedly anti-Palin tack, agreed a
loss for Kloppenburg would look bad
for the Dem's "A Prosser victory would
be a setback for Democrats, who
channeled their anger about the union
restrictions into the Supreme Court
election campaign as a proxy vote on
Walker's policies."

4.It is a referendum on the unions-whether
union bullying tactics can still carry
weight in the minds of the voters, in a
different era from when the unions had
clout and public sympathy, and were seen
as acting for all workers, not just the
self-interest of some.

5.It is a referendum on Sarah Palin
who, alone of the major possible
contenders, endorsed Judge Prosser
and did, as she always does, spoke
out fearlessly and strongly for what
she believes in, no matter what the
potential cost to her chances of high

6. It is a trial run by proxy of Obama
versus Palin 2012 in a traditionally
liberal state which if "Palin" wins
would have serious implications for
the Republican nomination process.

Palin endorced candidates have won 67%
of the campaigns 9n which they have run.

(It should be 100%)

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