Position Strengths & Weaknesses



Senior Member
Jan 13, 2005
Which positions will be our major strengths and which will be our major weaknesses this Fall?

I have my thoughts on that. What are your thoughts about it?
At the risk of sounding like an optimist, I am going to say that we will be strong at every position this year. Considering that our team was so young this past season and won 10 games with a stop at the SECCG.......could we be loaded?
Strengths -



RB - Lack of depth
DL - Lack of Depth
OL - Lack of depth -

Any body else see a pattern forming???
well i think our major weakness could be our special teams. the past few years our return game has just stunk up ther place, we also lost colquitt so i have no idea how our kicking game is going to be. our strength is going to be ainge to any wide reciver. we finally have a very complete offense with great wide recivers, runningbacks, and o-line. and our qb's arent half bad either ;)
Actually, I believe with Yancey, Riggs, Foster and Williams at TB and Anderson, Holbert at FB we have depth at RB.

Our DL is deep too. We are losing Neal but return 10 players that had PT last year (assuming McDaniel gets outa the doghouse). Bolden will be interesting to watch as well as Hostetter.

QB and WR speak for themselves.

Our OL will be similar to last year, a strong starting 5, but we'll be working on some depth issues. Again, we will have to worry about injury impact.

LB corps will be very good with several kids having the opportunity for some PT behind the starting 3.

The Million dollar question is our DBs. How long will it take Stewart to get up to game speed. How are last year's freshmen going to mature and improve.

Once again, OL and DBs may be our weeknesses.
Good analysis. Not really much to add. I agree that special teams will probably be the weakest. Not so much in coverage and downfield issues, but just getting the quality of punting that we've been used to.
I am actually tenative to call the QB spot a strength quite yet. It is not a weakness either.

I am most concerned about the DL especially at DE. It has been a long time since the days of Leonard Little and Will Overstreet.
On offense, I think our biggest risks will be lack of depth on the line, and this is one thing that worries me. If Ainge doesn't turn out with a complete and fundamental understanding of the knowledge (which I expect he will do -- he is very smart) of the offense, we have no one to fall back on. Crompton will be new to the program and skill-wise probably about Ainge's equal, and I don't believe that Clausen is physically able to keep up with the competition, however great his playcalling may be.

Our potential weakness on defense is pretty obvious. We are stacked on the line and in the LB position, but the pass coverage is still not completely fixed. Blown coverages did us in last year against Auburn in the SECCG. Campbell made us look like a bitch.

At least our problems are easily fixable.
I'm still skeptic to call the secondary a strength next season. It very well could be a strength but it could still turn out to be a weakness. The secondary will likely start 2 sophomores and a freshman along with Allen. Thats still a lot of youth back there.
Thank God Allen stayed, even with th enew talent back there, if he had left it would have left a gaping hole for teams to exploit.

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