Possible net energy fusion reportedly achieved by US scientists

Huge news. This has been a long time coming.

Who will denounce it as part of the woke agenda first? Typical lib anti-individualist crap, trying to bring us all together and combine us.
Huge news. This has been a long time coming.

Who will denounce it as part of the woke agenda first? Typical lib anti-individualist crap, trying to bring us all together and combine us.
Calm your tits lady nuclear physics has no political agenda.

Interesting datapoint but is apparently very much still a work in progress.

The test involved bombarding a pellet of hydrogen plasma with the world’s largest laser to trigger a nuclear fusion reaction, the same process which takes place in the sun.

Researchers were able to produce 2.5 megajoules of energy, 120 per cent of the 2.1 megajoules used to power the experiment.
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Huge news. This has been a long time coming.

Who will denounce it as part of the woke agenda first? Typical lib anti-individualist crap, trying to bring us all together and combine us.

No, it is great news. This is what we’ve been saying on the right for years. We shouldn’t make the world more impoverished today, to fight something that won’t even be a problem in the future.

So if better energy is coming, great. But if the left really believed it were coming, they wouldn’t need to destroy the fossil fuel industry. It would simply die out.
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Be awhile before it's on line in a meaningful way but in our lifetimes we could see a means to push away from oil or coal, gas, or nuclear energy. Hope they replicate it. And can you imagine the implications for space travel? Possibly truly revolutionary.

So this is how they powered the Starship Enterprise!
Can we go back to eating cow and pigs and not kill our pets and eat bugs?
You know this will be a problem for the leftists should the problems be solved and we have cheap and abundant energy. Their current Big Reason for restricting American Capitalism will be gone.

Shoot, we’ll be back to overpopulation and the next Ice Age is coming Malthusian disasters requiring government control before you can say “Al Gore!”
I want to say that CERN had accomplished this previously - or maybe it was a net neutral energy before. The problem now is to SCALE something to make it useful, which is even harder.
Hopefully they don't scale it up too much, I can see this being like Nuclear power plants, huge, rather than moderate for small communities reducing transmission lines.
remember cold fusion? I do

In a sense that's what this is. Fusion of hydrogen only takes place in the sun because the temperature allows it. Cold fusion here is aiming lasers at the fuel and achieving a release of energy greater than that expended. It's not room temperature but its not also 1000 degrees celsius.
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remember cold fusion? I do

My bet would be that even if this was better than a break even thing, real sustainable electric power from a fusion source will still be 30 years in the future ... and in 30 years, still another 30 years. I walked around and in Tokamaks at Princeton and Sandia over 30 years ago.

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