Pre-season "Fist Up Defense" conversation



First of his name
Jan 26, 2010
So how does it work? My understanding is on 3rd down we all have our fists up. Then we don't put them down until the other team either gets the 1st down or punts the ball away. But I saw another poster say the fists go up after the 3rd down stop. Anyone know?
I think it's a representation that the opponent just got violated.
I think it's a representation that the opponent just got violated.

Really though. I think I'll have to see how this works out before I feel I'm doing something.. eerrm.. Exploratory
Pretty sure its after a third down stop.

I like the idea, but what if, as we've become accustomed to seeing, the other team pulls off a fake punt? Did we just get a fist up our posterior?
Even the defense wasn't so sure about it, but they are now.

“Some of the stuff that we do and say, it’s cheesy, but as (Jones) says, that’s who we are now,” said junior wideout Jacob Carter. “Like the fist up, when they first started it, the defense wasn’t all about it. Now in practice if the defense gets a stop, the whole team is doing it.

“We’ve come a long way.”

I hope we do a lot of fist up this season.
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This is one new tradition that CBJ is trying to implement that I'm just not feeling it for yet. Maybe it's because we haven't done it in an actual game yet. Maybe it's because our defense sucked so badly last year. But for some reason "fist up" just doesn't seem like something that fans will embrace.
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This is one new tradition that CBJ is trying to implement that I'm just not feeling it for yet. Maybe it's because we haven't done it in an actual game yet. Maybe it's because our defense sucked so badly last year. But for some reason "fist up" just doesn't seem like something that fans will embrace.

The new fist up shirts are pretty cool so maybe that will help get it started.
Yeah...I watched a video from could hear CBJ on the megaphone yelling, "Its 4th down, Its 4th down get your fists up!"
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Really no different than holding up 4 fingers when the third quarter ends.

Just a gimmick to get the team unified.
Did nobody go over the process of the fist up at the orange and white game? Seems like CBJ could have taken advantage of getting the kinks worked out with the crowd and give them a little practice before going into the season. Now we will be going into the first game lost and confused. Hopefully we'll get it down by Vandy and stick our fist up their offense all game long.
Did nobody go over the process of the fist up at the orange and white game? Seems like CBJ could have taken advantage of getting the kinks worked out with the crowd and give them a little practice before going into the season. Now we will be going into the first game lost and confused. Hopefully we'll get it down by Vandy and stick our fist up their offense all game long.

I heard the first 50,000 fans get a latex glove and a small can of WD-40 for that game.
Fist up is the referee signal for 4th down so it is done after 3rd down
They did try to get it started at the orange a d white game with limited success
As stated then it would be better with some kind of chant (rather just a silent 100.000 fists in.the air). Someone also suggested there might be a video to help the crowd get into the routine

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