Prediction: Florida a BUST



Senior Member
Oct 25, 2004
The Gator Nation is set up for the biggest collapse in Florida history. The myth is all hype and the gators are sucking a big lemon and don'r even realize it. You thought SOS was Moses and now think that Urb is Joshua, but in reality, Urb is Galen Hall in disguise, and the the only promise is a divine comedy of errors as he tries to install a midget league offense in the SEC which does away with childish things. Florida will be fortunate to be 6-5 and will not improve behond that. No recruit with any intention of playing on Sundays should even look at Florida..they will go the same way as Nebraska. The surprise factor is the only success Urb has had and he is no longer a surprise...Did you ever stop to think why he didn't go to Norte Dame when Norte Dame was his dream job..ND wanted a REAL coach that could make real promises..and really take them to the PROMISED LAND, not the Mite of the Myth..Welcome to the real world Gator nation.. Chomp..Chomp..Chomp!
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Jun 24, 2005 9:51 AM
The Gator Nation is set up for the biggest collapse in Florida history. The myth is all hype and the gators are sucking a big lemon and don'r even realize it. You thought SOS was Moses and now think that Urb is Joshua, but in reality, Urb is Galen Hall in disguise, and the the only promise is a divine comedy of errors as he tries to install a midget league offense in the SEC which does away with childish things. Florida will be fortunate to be 6-5 and will not improve behond that. No recruit with any intention of playing on Sundays should even look at Florida..they will go the same way as Nebraska. The surprise factor is the only success Urb has had and he is no longer a surprise...Did you ever stop to think why he didn't go to Norte Dame when Norte Dame was his dream job..ND wanted a REAL coach that could make real promises..and really take them to the PROMISED LAND, not the Mite of the Myth..Welcome to the real world Gator nation.. Chomp..Chomp..Chomp!

I wouldnt go that far. Too much talent under a good football coach. I know we will have our hands full when we come to the Swamp.
Well, listen Lizard Lovers, I'm just want to make sure you keep your feet on the ground...I mean where has Urb stayed long enough to get figured out. He's a flash in the pan..Norte Dame was smart enough to see that...and do you think all the top recruits in south Florida are now standing in line to play option junior high football..that will certainly help thier draft status...Looks like Florida is aspiring to be the LEAST in the EAST. ha..ha..To me it looks like the LEAKING LIZARDS have picked a RYAN LEAF.
What! no Swamp Swallowers to show me some love..I guess they are alot like thier team, they can't defend...thier chomp has turned to choke..Harumph! gators are just no fun anymore. But..I guess if it's the truth, there is nothing to defend. Score UT 31--Leaking Lizards-10..and Leak doesn't finish the game.
Hey volnation, I'm trying draw in some gators for a roast but I'm not getting any help here...and I'm not far off on my assessment. Florida could very easily lose to TN, LSU, GA, FSU, and Bama..thats 6-4.
you are doing such a good job replying to yourself i didnt want to interupt HAHAHAHA

They could definately have it tough I wouldnt want to play that schedule
Originally posted by redneckdave@Jun 24, 2005 2:19 PM
you are doing such a good job replying to yourself i didnt want to interupt  HAHAHAHA


I dunno if I would say Florida will bust but I definitely don't think they would have the type of season they thing they'll have.....I'm gonna say a 7-4 season because they're adjusting to their new coach and new offense...2007 would be the year I look for the gators to get up and going...But of course...Like almost always...The road to Atlanta will have to go through Neyland Stadium
Who said Meyer would even run the option offense? He could come out and run a regular SEC-style run-it-up-the-gut offense.

Last season, the reason we won is because of Zook's complete inability to coach the 4th quarter. If he was even halfway decent, he would have beaten us. Granted, we are coming back stronger, and I expect a win, but I also expect Urban to be a lot smarter than to try and run an all-out option and actually challenge our defense.

Yeah, I will go off and pull for Tennessee a whole bunch as well as hate on Florida, except I just can't concede to saying Meyer will blow it and go sub-.500. Florida's talent level running anything like an option can pretty much plow through all lesser defenses.
TBALLVOL - I appreciate your efforts, but unfortunately I don't share in your optimism...

I think we'll have trouble adapting to whatever crap he pulls out of the hat this September. While I'd love nothing more than to crush the gators at home, I think we'll keep paying taxes on the swamp for a third trip in a close game.
IMO UF will go around 8-3..couple game improvement. Biggest concern is the defense as usual with Strong coming back...other than that UF has the talent to play with and beat anyone in the SEC on a given Sat.
Originally posted by NCGatorBait@Jun 25, 2005 1:05 PM
IMO UF will go around 8-3..couple game improvement.

Do you actually really believe that? Or are you saying that as a defense mechanism in case UF does do that bad?

I am honestly asking....
Originally posted by U-T@Jun 25, 2005 3:14 PM
Do you actually really believe that? Or are you saying that as a defense mechanism in case UF does do that bad?

I am honestly asking....

Meant 9-3..but yes I do. Do you think they'll be 6-5?
No, I think they will go either 8-3, 9-2.

I just haven't met one single UF fan that believes anything less then 9-2.
Originally posted by U-T@Jun 25, 2005 3:28 PM
No, I think they will go either 8-3, 9-2.

I just haven't met one single UF fan that believes anything less then 9-2.

BTW, I dont have a defense mechanism when it comes to UF..I post on alot of rival boards all the time and read all types of predicitions, opinions etc. I just add my two cents worth on occasion..not always right..not always wrong.
I wouldn't want to be in Urb's shoes the Saturday they play us. With all the hype over the past year, I would imagine he and the team will wound super tight. The whole world will be watching because that will be his first real test. Rememer, Just for years ago he was a wide receivers coach at ND. After his two years at Bowling Green, BG got even better and prior to going to Utah, Coach Ron McBride had basically matched his success years earlier so Urb didn't do anything at Utah that hadn't been done before..but that's hype for you.
Many a truth is said in jest.

I believe Florida loses no less than 4 games this year. Tennessee, Georgia, LSU and FSU are going to beat the Gators. I'd bet on it.

I also believe either Bama or South Carolina could get them. has been pruchased and is waiting in the wings.
The SC-FL game will be my second-most anticipated game this fall. It will be hilarious watching that old Cock Crow and then watch the Gator nation eat it.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Jun 27, 2005 2:15 PM
The SC-FL game will be my second-most anticipated game this fall. It will be hilarious watching that old Cock Crow and then watch the Gator nation eat it.

FL will drill them, imo
So will just about every other team in the SEC.*

* Kentucky and Vanderbilt are not known as "Teams in the SEC." They are known as "Those guys over there."

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