Present day Balkan history for the untutored.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008

While Germany and Austria have just blocked Serbia's entry into the European Union Croatia was admitted in a ceremony at which David Cameron shook the hand of Croat leaders, whose country by any democratic or moral standards is a disgrace.

Serbia and the former Yugoslavia, in an exact reprise of the fascist 1940s, have been systematically attacked and dismembered by Germany and Austria since the 1980s. Germany, without the support of other countries, the EU or the UN, joined the Vatican in illegally recognising Croatia in 1991 which led to that State effectively declaring war on Yugoslavia (of which it was a constitutional part) and on Serbs in Croatia. Reuters reported the Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal as saying "The first refugees in the Yugoslav conflict were the 40,000 Serbs who fled Croatia after a constitutional amendment defined them as an alien minority." In this they had the full support of Germany and the Vatican - whose funds, liberally deployed among American PR firms helped to spread pro Croatia propaganda - so avidly absorbed by inter alia the BBC.

This was followed by the 1995 murder of tens of thousands and ethnic cleansing of 300,000 Serbs from the so called "Krajina" (Serbs had lived there for over 500 years) by the Croats while NATO looked on. Today Serbia has been forced to hand over most of its historic Christian orthodox territory of Kosovo to Albanian Muslims and 1 million Serb refugees have sought refuge inside Serbia.

When Alice Mahon the Labour MP visited former Serb villages in the Krajina in 1999 she said: "I can only conclude that the Croatian government is aiming for an ethnically pure state. The international community is tolerating these openly racist policies."

This suffering is not enough for Germany which has managed to achieve precisely what Nazis and Fascists achieved in the 1940s - the break up of Yugoslavia and the promotion of Croatia - then and now the most blatantly fascist state in Europe. German Nazis helped to arm and train Croat fascist gangs in the 1990s. In the book Fuehrer Ex by Ingo Hasselbach reference is made to a modern Nazi "Nero Reisz, the barking anti-Semite from Hesse, was particularly pleased. The problem for him was that there weren't enough Jews being killed. But Serbs would do."

The Ustashe established a network of concentration camps all over Croatia including Jasenovac , where hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were murdered in a variety of brutal ways, which earned the camp the nickname of the "Auschwitz of the Balkans."

The tradition of honouring Pavelic began in the 1990s following Germany's recognition of Croatia as an independent State. In the wake of the conviction in Zagreb of Jasenovac commandant Dinko Sakic and in response to protests by the Wiesenthal Center, the mass was stopped and the priest responsible, Vjekoslav Lasic, left Croatia but returned a few years ago and renewed his neo-fascist activity with impunity.

Croatia's most popular pop star Marko Perkovic calls himself Thompson (after the machine gun used to murder Serbs in the 1990s) and his fans give mass Nazi salutes. A 2007 Zagreb concert featuring "Thompson" was attended by the Croatian Education Minister, Dragan Primorac. Nor should we ignore the disgraceful attempt by the Croatian political establishment today to minimise or even deny the fact that hundreds of thousands of Jews, gypsies and Serbs were exterminated at the Jasenovac camp during the Second World War.

In 2007 Croatian TV broadcast a video of a speech made 10 years before by Stjepan Mesic, who had become Croatia's president. Mr. Mesic is seen saying, "This thing they're asking Croats to do: go kneel in [1940s Croatian extermination camp] Jasenovac ... we have no reason to kneel anywhere. We Croats have won twice in World War II, while all the others did it only once. We won on April 10, when the Axis powers recognized Croatia's independence, and we won after the war since we once again found ourselves with the victors."

It is no myth that in 1997 Croatians greeted German troops with their right arms raised in a Nazi salute as they chanted "Heil Hitler," as reported in The Washington Times at the time. Around the same time Newsweek reported that when German tanks passed through Croatia as part of the NATO deployment to the Balkans, "Croatians greeted the Germans with the straight-armed fascist salute," an expression of solidarity dating back to the 1940s alliance between Croatian fascists and the Nazis.

Croatia is once again flying the same fascist checkerboard flag that it flew in 1941, when Hitler recognized Croatia as an independent nation for being his loyal ally. The map of the Balkans drawn by the Nazis in 1942 is almost identical to today's map of the Balkans created by NATO. As A.M. Rosenthal wrote in "Back From the Grave" in the New York Times on April 15, 1997: (And chronicled in detail in the history of that period by the late Avro Manhattan) "In World War II, Nazi Germany had no executioner more willing, no ally more passionate, than the Fascists of Croatia. They are returning, 50 years later, from what should have been their eternal grave, the defeat of Nazi Germany. The Western allies who dug that grave with the bodies of their servicemen have the power to stop them, but do not."

"German Europe", which (having destroyed the democratic nationhood of 26 other countries in the European Union is now economically strangling to death the nations in the Euro-zone) sees all this as natural and normal. Indeed it usually is on the Continent when they dominate it - there are only two fundamental gears, communist or fascist. Either way authoritarian anti democratic Statism and corporatism is the order of the day. Free trading democratic nation states are anathema to the German (and French) political class.

Britain is now constitutionally and politically trapped in this hideous "European Union" (based largely on the Nazis 1942 plans for a "European Economic Community" utilising the same strategies and similar structures) because the British collaborators and appeasers of the 1980s and 1990s were not countered by leading Parliamentarians - although they were, vociferously, by many of us outside Parliament.

So now Croatia, the most overt representative of that 1940s fascism which it has extended by its recent behaviour into the 21st century is welcomed ceremoniously as a member of the European Union while Serbia, whose people have suffered grievously and with a history of anti fascism and as an ally of Britain and the USA, is rejected.

Never happened per gs
If there is any country in Europe right now that is any where close to Fascism it would have to be Hungary and its Fidesz party.

Never happened per gs

Do you have any sort of a link that tells the story behind your shock photo? (and includes that photo?)

I know you are referring to Srebrenica but the claim of over 8,000 dead is false, the UN has to date only recovered the bodies of about 800 and many of those were Serbians and the battle for Srebrenica story consistently leaves out the atrocities committed by the moslem forces in the surrounding areas prior to that battle in which whole villiages of Serb civilians were eradicated in the most brutal ways imaginable and amounted to far more that 8,000.


These Serbians have names.

General Draza Mihailovich: The Honorable Edward Derwinski pays tribute to the "Halyard Mission", General Draza Mihailovich, and the Mihailovich Serbs

The 'Halyard Mission' was the name given to the greatest rescue of American and Allied lives from behind enemy lines in the history of warfare. It was a day of celebration, remembrance, gratitude and tears. For those that attended, it was a moving and unforgettable event. For the guests of honor, it was an opportunity to tell a story of epic proportions.

Fifty years before, in 1944, Serbian General Dragoljub Draza Mihailovich, his Chetnik forces, and the Serbian people loyal to them, saved the lives of hundreds of Allied fliers who had been stranded in Yugoslavia after having been shot out of the skies by the Germans while flying their bombing missions over the Ploesti oil fields of Romania. The goal of the Allied Ploesti bombing missions was to destroy Hitler’s main supply of oil at the time and bring the Nazis to their knees. Many of those who survived the severe German retaliation would end up wounded and stranded in Yugoslavia but would be saved, taken care of, and returned back to safety through the Halyard Mission rescue operation of 1944. In 1994, 50 years later, this rescue operation, which had more or less remained hidden from history for the past half century, was brought into the light of day on a grand scale for the first time.

The Halyard Mission was a combined project of the American Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S. - precursor of the C.I.A.) under the command of General William J. Donovan and Lieutenant George ("Guv") S. Musulin of the O.S.S. and General Draza Mihailovich and his Chetnik freedom fighters in the former Yugoslavia. For different reasons, and always less than noble ones, the Halyard/Ranger Mission rescue operation that took place over the course of the summer, autumn and winter of 1944 in Nazi occupied areas of former Yugoslavia was kept hidden from official public recognition and covered up, to the point of being left out of the historical texts relating to the World War II era altogether. The Halyard Mission became a casualty of political supression but through the tireless efforts of those who knew the story and significance of this great event, many of them who had personally lived it and are now deceased, this epic heroic story is now increasingly seeing the light of day.

Is it your opinion that the Serbs are totally innocent and did not commit any war crimes during the Yugoslav wars?

Is it your opinion that the Serbs are totally innocent and did not commit any war crimes during the Yugoslav wars?

Of course they didn't set up rape-camps, and rape and attempt to impregnate Croats and Muslims with children in order to breed them out of existence... Never happened. All the evidence and proof of that is simply created by the pro-Moslem forces :shakehead:

Is it your opinion that the Serbs are totally innocent and did not commit any war crimes during the Yugoslav wars?

No not at all but I will say a few other things, the moslems committed far more and far worse atrocities and some of the atrocities blamed on the Serbs either were committed by the moslems or didn't happen at all, others were blown up to be much worse than what actually happened.

Another thing, I still find it ludicrous to have allied ourselves with al-Qaeda, (two of the 9/11 attackers fought in the former Yugoslavia,) and to ally ourselves against a traditional ally doesn't make sense either.

The Forgotten 500 - Serbs Rescued 500 American Pilots in World War II


Serbs during WWII.
This banner was carried by surviving American pilots rescued by Serbs in WWII in the military parade "Desert Storm" in New York City, celebrating the victory over Iraq. In the center of the photo is Major Feldman, American pilot rescued by Serbs during WWII. He carried the banner in the "Desert Storm" parade in New York City, 1991. Photo by Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, 1991.
I thought this thread was about modern-day Balkan history, not what happened nearly 60 years ago during WWII
Of course they didn't set up rape-camps, and rape and attempt to impregnate Croats and Muslims with children in order to breed them out of existence... Never happened. All the evidence and proof of that is simply created by the pro-Moslem forces :shakehead:

Would you care to document any of those wild claims?

The Croats and moslems killed between 12,000 and
20,000 civilians and caused 300,000 Serbs to flee their
homeland of over 500 years in Krajina.

Here is a photo of the Serbians fleeing for their lives.


They were originally forcibly moved there by the
Austrian Hapsburg empire to be a buffer against
agression by the moslem Ottoman Turks who intended
to conquer Europe and did eventually beseige Vienna
but were defeated.

Osama bin Laden chose Sept 11 for his assault on
America to commemorate the battle of Vienna and
to restore the name of islamic conquest.

In the hopes you may learn something about what has
happened in what was previously called 'Yugoslavia', let
me present some good sources in hopes you will read
and enlighten yourselves on this topic.


MICHAEL LEES – THE RAPE OF SERBIA: The British Role in Tito’s Grab for Power, 1943-1944 « There Must be Justice

This book was written by a former British intelligence
officer who fought with the Serbians during WWII.

This book is dedicated to the memory of the victims
of the murders and massacres perpetrated by the
Soviet-bloc despots, aided by their lackeys and dupes.

May those truly patriotic Loyalistswho were slaughtered
in Yugoslavia in the name of revolutionary liberation rest
more peacefully now that the true nature of the
communist swindle is at last becoming exposed and
generally accepted.

We cannot restore their lives but we can, and must,
accord them their proper place in history.

It would be intolerable if the official history of SOE
activities now being written just repeated the hitherto
accepted version of history, which had its origin in
communist-inspired disinformation.

The authoritative version must take account of the
new information and analyses coming to light all the
time, both in Yugoslavia and overseas.

Thanks primarily to British recognition, British
propaganda, and overwhelming Allied logistical and
air support, and under the guise of resisting the
German occupation, Tito was able to turn his British
and American guns on his pro-Western countrymen.
In an out-and out civil war, he grabbed power.

Disregarding all of the promises he had made to his
British sponsors, Tito then introduced a brutal,
repressive, Stalinist-style regime accompanied by
mass killings and atrocities. Already in the autumn
and winter of 1944, when the Partisan armies invaded
Serbia, helped by the Red Army and the Bulgars,
impromptu massacres had taken place. Even Loyalist
guerrilla forces fighting alongside the Red Army against
the retreating Germans were later disarmed by their
Russian comrades and handed over to Tito’s commissars
for disposal. In the case of the officers, that generally
meant execution out of hand. Any opposition, actual
or potential, in the towns or villages in Serbia was
crushed ruthlessly.

In May and June 1945 the atrocities reached their peak.

The conscience of the world has recently been stirred
by the story—told all too late—of the deviously
conducted forcible repatriation of 35,000 Croatian and
Slovenian home guards and Serbian Cetniks, together
with women and children, which was carried out by the
British in Austria. These people, refugees who had been
accepted as such by their captors, were told that they
were being transferred to a refugee camp at Palmanova
in Italy. They eagerly entrained for the journey, only to
find after the doors had been bolted that they were
being handed over to Partisan guards and shunted to

It is now known that they perished at the hands of
Tito’s communists. They were systematically and
sadistically slaughtered.
Would you care to document any of those wild claims? The Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnia (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society , No 11) (9780520216624): Michael A. Sells: Books By Michael Sells, Professor at U of Chicago's Divinity school.

A U.N. official said Friday that a better job needs to be done in prosecuting rape cases that occurred during the Bosnian war nearly two decades ago, and in other armed conflicts worldwide.

U.N. Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Margot Wallstroem, said only 12 cases have been prosecuted out of an estimated 50,000 to 60,000 victims in Bosnia, which shows "the magnitude of the problem." She called it a "painfully slow" process.

Read more: UN Official: Bosnia War Rapes Must Be Prosecuted | Fox News
I thought this thread was about modern-day Balkan history, not what happened nearly 60 years ago during WWII

In order to overcome the propaganda of the nineties
one must look back all the way to the end of WWII
to understand how this modern day deception was
foisted on us.


The author, who died after his book was published, was
one of the British liaison officers dropped by the special forces into the Axis-occupied Yugoslavia in 1943. His job
was to prepare the local resistance movements for
sabotage -- particularly the blowing up of bridges,
railroads, and communications lines.

In a story driven by the power of first-person
immediacy, he recounts a year spent among the Serbian
resistance fighters of General Draza Mihailovic, minister
of defense of the exiled Yugoslav government, which until 1943 had not only official Allied recognition,
but also their endorsement.

From his unique position inside the war-torn country,
Lees witnessed an inexplicable change in the character
of Allied support which eventually completely abandoned
Mihailovic and his troops in favor of the Tito-led Communist-resistance forces. This about-face was
followed by an order from Special Operations Executive
from Cairo instructing Lees to scurry out of the
resistance camps and head for Italy. Why?

The full explanation for this betrayal lay hidden,
however, until the mid-1980s, when Lees was led to
a cache of secret-service files mistakenly declassified.

These files, along with his own war-time experience,
allowed him to complete this tale of perfidy. Lees now
believes that Winston Churchill's decision to abandon
Mihailovic and throw support to Tito was largely
the result of disinformation spread by British
Communists, and sympathizers in the secret
services and other agencies which endorsed the
and an enthusiastic recommendation of British officers who had been duped by Tito.

The "RAPE OF SERBIA," sharpens one's view of what
really happened in Yugoslavia in the middle of World
War II. Michael Lees has revised history to show the
background of a fatal blunder by Churchill -- which
the "Great Man" himself later acknowledged privately.

"Kocevje: Tito's Bloodiest Crime" + "Patriarch German"- TiM GW Bulletin (2/27/91)

The second point of this translation is to bring to light
some old crimes which have only surfaced recently.
Prior to 1991, I had never heard of any of these
Communist atrocities, although I grew up in Yugoslavia.

I've heard of, mind you, and I can prove others, similarly
heinous crimes which they committed which one of
these days may find their way into other books of
atrocities such as "KOCEVJE."

But, I never knew of the degree to which the Western
allies, particularly the British, betrayed their Serbian
allies. We are dealing here with numbers of victims
which probably significantly exceed the total of all
non-Iraqi losses in the Gulf War -- put together!

In view of our contemporary concerns about the
treatment of the American/coalition POWs by Saddam
Hussein in the Gulf War, for example; in view of the
U.S. government's decades-long support for Tito as
a "progressive" Communist leader, who toward the end
of his life even had the audacity of (unsuccessfully)
lobbying that he be given the Nobel prize for peace (?!);
in view of the tens of thousands of Serbian lives which
were lost thanks to this apparent Western intelligence
blunder -- one would think that, not just the British,
but also the American government, if they were truly
concerned with a needless loss of life, would go out
of their way to make up with the Serbian people... to
rectify the injustices and the loss of life which their
carelessness had caused.

Unfortunately, there has been no evidence of it. Is it
because, unlike Kuwait, Serbia has no oil wells to speak
of? Is it because its people are neither Catholics, nor
Protestants, nor Moslems, but are Christians who
practice God's commandments within the Orthodox

Is it because, Winston Churchill, who abruptly
interrupted a Canadian officer who dared question
the wisdom of the British support for Tito's Communists,
with a question, "after the war is over, are you planning
to live in Yugoslavia?" Who knows...

It is perhaps ironic that these lines are being written on
the day that Kuwait City was liberated by the U.S. and
the other coalition forces. A time of great joy, yet also
a time of great disenchantment... As Charles Dickens
wisely noted two centuries ago in his "Tale of Two
Cities," "it was the best of times; it was the worst of

Bob Djurdjevic, Phoenix, Arizona, Feb. 27, 1991
Haven't we had this discussion in the past?

Can I be the first to coin the term atrocity envy?

Just remember the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.

Sells is an outright common liar and his claims have been thouroughly debunked.

The following of afr closer to the truth, read carefully, more to follow.

'Srebrenica' – Code Word to Silence Critics of US Policy in the Balkans

Claims of 7,000 (or 8,000, or 10,000, or whatever figure is needed to elicit the desired response) Muslim men and boys slaughtered and Dutch troops accused of failing to stop the slaughter! Five years later the allegations not only persist, but are accepted as fact by a compliant and unquestioning media. Yet in five years fewer than 2000 bodies have been discovered in an area where war raged for four years and even those bodies have not been identified as Muslim or Serb, and it has not been determined how they died.

Why then has there been a flurry of articles in recent days regarding the alleged massacre of thousands of Bosnian Muslim fighters that occurred over five years ago? Articles such as, "Holbrooke Mourns Srebrenica, urges Reconciliation," (Reuters, 11 July); "Five Years Later: The Battle of Srebrenica Is Now Over the Truth," by David Rohde (New York Times, 9 July) and "Harrowing pilgrimage for Srebrenica Muslims," by Rory Carroll (Guardian [London] 12 July), are all spewing their anti-Serb bias.

The Code word is "Srebrenica." Srebrenica equates to holocaust. Srebrenica equates to genocide. Srebrenica equates to ethnic cleansing. And because claims of mass graves and genocide in Kosovo are being discredited, what better way to continue to demonize the Serbs than for the American people to be reminded of Srebrenica?

During his visit to Washington, D.C. to attend a Congressional briefing in the office of Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio on 19 July, I had a chance to speak with former Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia, James Bissett, who has been openly critical of his country's participation in the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. Last year, he received a phone call from three Dutch military historians who wanted to meet with him to talk about Srebrenica. Ambassador Bissett informed them that he had not been at Srebrenica and could not, therefore, speak as an eyewitness on the subject. However, because of his broad knowledge of the area and the circumstances of the Bosnian War, the Dutch historians still wanted to meet with him. Among other topics, they spoke about Nasir Oric, the dreaded Muslim commander in Srebrenica who had mounted commando raids against surrounding Serbian villages whose remaining population were mainly elderly Serbs, many in their 80s, who refused to leave their homes. Even these poor souls were not spared, but were slaughtered by having their throats slit. Bill Schiller wrote of Oric in the Toronto Star, 16 July 1995, "On a cold and snowy night, I sat in his living room watching a shocking video version of what might had been called Nasir Oric's Greatest Hits. There were burning houses, dead bodies, severed heads, and people fleeing. Oric grinned throughout admiring his handiwork. 'We ambushed them,' he said when a number of dead Serbs appeared on the screen. The next sequence of dead bodies had been done in by explosives: 'We launched those guys to the moon,' he boasted. When a footage of a bullet-marked ghost town appeared without any visible bodies, Oric hastened to announce: 'We killed 114 Serbs there.'

The three Dutch military historians and Ambassador Bissett recalled that Serbian General Radko Mladic has protested the misuse of the so-called "safe haven" of Srebrenica by Oric and warned that continued attacks on surrounding villages would bring a response from the Serbian forces. Forewarned, Oric had pulled his armed troops, including Mujahedin soldiers who had been imported from many of the Islamic countries, out of Srebrenica three days before the final push began. According to the Ambassador, when Serbian General Mladic entered Srebrenica, he entered a city that was mostly devoid of its fighting men. Accused of attacking a "safe haven" by the media and Muslim propaganda, the Serbs were even vilified for putting refugees, mostly women and children, from Srebrenica on buses and sending them to Muslim-held territory. The tragic scenes of the refugees were shown over and over again on TV; yet within a few days, the refugees were seen eating fruit, smoking cigarettes, washing clothes and being housed – thanks to the UN.

Tim Butcher of the Daily Telegraph, London (24 July 1995), wrote regarding Srebrenica, "After five days of interviews the United Nations chief investigator into alleged human rights abuses during the fall of Srebrenica has not found any firsthand witnesses of atrocities."

An International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) report, document #37, dated September 13, 1995 states: "Approximately 5,000 Srebrenica Muslim troops left the enclave prior to its fall. The Muslim government has admitted that these men were reassigned to other units of its armed forces. The fact that family members were not informed of it was justified by the obligation to keep it a military secret." The ICRC further reported that there were indications that sporadic clashes broke out between the Muslim soldiers who wanted to stay and fight and other soldiers and civilians who wanted to flee. In some cases, the names of "missing" soldiers are listed as many as two and three times. As previously stated, approximately fewer than 2,000 bodies have been found in graves. Considering that the civil war in Bosnia had lasted over four years, this could not exactly be called a "genocide" when compared to other massacres taking place all over the world such as in Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, and the Indonesia.

Yasushi Akashi, former UN Representative in Bosnia, admitted in the Washington Times of 1 November 1995, that "it is a fact that the Bosnian government forces have used the 'safe areas' of not only Srebrenica, but Sarajevo, Tuzla, Bihac, Gorazde for training, recuperation and refurbishing their troops." In other words, the so-called safe areas were used as military posts to train Mujahedin fighters from Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Turkey and the entire Islamic world, free to commit their treachery by attacking Serbian villages and returning like thieves in the night back to the safety of their UN protectors who conveniently looked the other way to these violations. Prior to the events at Srebrenica, these "Holy Warriors of Islam" had attacked 42 surrounding Serbian villages and over 3,000 Serbian villagers had been slaughtered without fear of being reprimanded or punished by the UN Yet, when Serbs were provoked to retaliate against these Muslim assaults from these so-called "safe-areas," they were condemned by the entire world.

Yossef Bodansky, Staff Director for the Republican Task Force on Terrorism & Unconventional Warfare, US House of Representatives, writes in his book, "Offensive in the Balkans" that "The UN concluded that a special group of Bosnian Muslim forces, many of whom had served with Islamic terrorist organizations, committed a series of atrocities, including 'some of the worst recent killings,' against Bosnian Muslim civilians in Sarajevo [another designated "safe area"] as a propaganda ploy to win world sympathy and military intervention. These attacks escalated into premeditated attacks and atrocities committed against Bosnian Serb civilians trying to flee contested areas."
Haven't we had this discussion in the past?

Can I be the first to coin the term atrocity envy?

Just remember the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.

What's the matter then with trying to determine just what the truth really is?

"Those who control the past control the future. Those who control the present control the past."
- George Orwell

Would it not be in our own best interest to find out just exactly what happened?

'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'
George Santayana

How much greater are we condemned if we don't even know what the past is?

OE is lost, the point?

The point is that we can now see that we were deceived during and after WWII as concerns the Balkans.

For instance the third largest death camp in the Nazi system was in Yugoslavia.

Instead of closing that camp after the end of the war, Tito kept it open for six more years and untold more thousands died.

Fascism and communism are stepchildren, there really isn't that much difference.

Then we were deceived again in the '90s.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

So if our government and the media can get things so wrong, either on purpose or by lack of due diligence, what should we be looking for in the future or for that matter right now?

I thought this thread was about modern-day Balkan history, not what happened nearly 60 years ago during WWII

Now, to bring you up to date, this is dated Jan. 13, 2012:

Former Mujahedeen Commander Naser Oric Released After Killing 3500 Christian Serbs in Srebrenica! « American Defense League (ADL)

After serving only six months of his two year sentence for brutally butchering three thousand five hundred Christian Serbs in villages in Srebrenica from 1992 to 1995 the President of Bosnia, Bakir Izetbegovic (son of Alija Izetbegovic) today gave amnesty to the Commander of the Mujahedeen terrorists Naser Oric whose brutality against the Serbs is legend in the Balkans. The Hague sentenced this rogue to two years in prison and now he has gotten a pardon. Two years for killing three thousand five hundred Christian Serbs and now he’s only served six months of this sentence! Is this what they call justice in Bosnia where the Mujahedeen terrorists have taken it over now, and where the occupying Muslim Albanian Mafia drug-thugs have free reign to create their terror throughout the whole of the former Yugoslavia and Europe with impunity?

This is the face of Islamofascism! Take a good look at the pictures below of former Mujahedeen Commander and Butcher Naser Oric’s horrific act of genocide against the Christian Serbs, aided and abetted by the EU, UN-NATO enforcer-by-bombing, Clinton and the Hague who felt that two years was enough for this monster! And now’s he’s let go after serving only six months!

On February, 1994, Naser Oric was preparing to attack the Serbian village. From 1992 to July 1995 Srebrenica was under UN protection. The Muslim soldiers received their weapons from the UN. And it was during that time his Mujahedeen killed about 3,500 Christian Serbs of which 70% were women and children! In July, 1995, it was General Mladic who liberated Srebrenica (no Muslim civilian was killed).

Today the Muslim government in Sarajevo brings out the whole of Bosnia to commemorate Mujahedeen from other battlefields and lies to the world saying they were killed in Srebrenica! And the Hague sentenced Mujahedeen Commander Naser Oric for his horrendous crime against the Serb civilians to a two year sentence in prison! He now lives free in Sarajevo after committing this horrific atrocity! He engages in criminal activity (drugs, bars) under the protection of the Muslim government in Sarajevo!

Why are the Serbs – whom apart from the Jews were the major victims of the Holocaust during World War 2 - being cast as the perpetrators of genocide while the real perpetrators of genocide – the Islamofascists loyal to Alija Izetbegovic – are being cast by the corporate media, the US, NATO and EU governments as “the victims”?

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