I am not offended when someone says that 2+2=fish, but I do have a problem with it. I have a problem with it because I think its wrong, wrong as in the incorrect answer.
and in this case I have a problem with it because they got the "wrong answer" as public officials, in a public situation.
I laid out why I think its wrong. They are government officials, not Joel Osteen. they should be focused on doing what is right for this country. not whatever is right for Trump to sell more bibles. even if the prayer is real they should be focused on appeasing their constituents, by finding real answers, which may not appease whatever they were praying to/for.
I have no issue with the act of praying, but at best I believe its a situation of "the way to hell is paved with good intentions". our nation has suffered and suffered under the guise of politicians performing various virtue signaling while the real issues don't get addressed. If we were actually in a good spot, or at the very least taking big steps forward, I would be far more accepting. Now I just want them to "shut up and dribble".
faith wise, I find Matthew 6 particularly relevant to this situation.