Pretty Amazing Set of Stats - Part Deux!


I still like the fact that Heupel has beaten more teams ranked by the end of the year in less than 3 seasons than all of the previous coaches combined including Fulmer’s last year. If he wins the next two or three, then you can take him at least another year back in history. Special stuff so far. GO VOLS!!!
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Starting to feel like late 80's/early 90's...good teams but not at pinnacle yet. Loving the journey b/c I still have Vol PTSD from Dooley, Butch, Pruitt and so appreciate being on the radar top 15 team this late in the season. Need to finish the drill. MIZ is the next "game of the season". We win this one, and crazy things can happen when Neyland is rocking for #1 team in the country coming in!
Make's me appreciate CJH even more. I like the way he handles his business at press conferences and the apparent atmosphere he and his staff have created in the locker room and around the team along with every thing else, like winning. Good to not have the embarrassment of being represented by the likes of Beldar, Doofus and Botch. Of course we could be 8-0 and have that goofus Harbaugh as a coach. Hope he gets hung out to dry.
What’s crazy to think about is the fact that we were robbed a win against ole Miss in Heupels first year, and the Purdue game as well. Could’ve easily had a 9-4 or 10-3 record his first season.
We were also robbed a win against Pitt with the bogus spots we were getting.
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Be thankful for what appears to be a real turnaround and let go of the past. Those years are gone now.

I know this post is supposed to make me feel good about the program now. But I'm old school and this just makes me even more angry at all the idiots that ruined my football program for that many years. Still so much hate for them. Never ever should have been that way at a powerhouse football school. Criminal in my opinion and nobody went to prison.

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