Pro-stimulus Economist on the House Plan

My Way News - Obama calls $18B in Wall St. bonuses 'shameful'

"It is shameful," Obama said from the Oval Office. "And part of what we're going to need is for the folks on Wall Street who are asking for help to show some restraint, and show some discipline, and show some sense of responsibility."
The president's comments, made with new Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at his side

These words uttered from President Obama's mouth. Talk about audacity.

Not sure if this was worthy of a thread, so I just tagged along on yours VBH:)
why is he complaining? of that 18 billion, the government received at least 50% of it in the form of taxes.

The president said the public dislikes the idea of helping the financial sector dig out of a hole, only to see it get bigger because of lavish spending. The comptroller's report found that Wall Street bonuses were down 44 percent, but still at about the same level as they were during the boom time of 2004.

how could there possibly have been a "boom" time during the Bush Administration? If you listened to the campaign rhetoric, it was nothing but 8 years of failed economic policies.
That lying POS continues his rhetoric with Geithner at his side.

Newly minted Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s finances got a recent boost, thanks to a plump $435,000 severance payment from his old employer – the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

In addition, Geithner last year earned $411,000 as president of the New York Fed and got another $50,000 to $100,000 for unused vacation and comp time, according to a mandatory financial disclosure statement released by the Office of Government Ethics.

News of his nearly half-million dollar severance payment comes as Geithner embarks on helping President Barack Obama sell the $825 billion stimulus package, designed to help struggling Americans. Geithner came under fire this month from Republicans after he admitted improperly filling out his income taxes and making $42,000 in delinquent payments.
Read it and weep.

$1 billion for Amtrak, which hasn’t earned a profit in four decades.

$2 billion to help subsidize child care.

$400 million for research into global warming.

$2.4 billion for projects to demonstrate how carbon greenhouse gas can be safely removed from the atmosphere.

$650 million for coupons to help consumers convert their TV sets from analog to digital, part of the digital TV conversion.

$600 million to buy a new fleet of cars for federal employees and government departments.

$75 million to fund programs to help people quit smoking.

$21 million to re-sod the National Mall, which suffered heavy use during the Inauguration.

$2.25 billion for national parks. This item has sparked calls for an investigation, because the chief lobbyist of the National Parks Association is the son of Rep. David R. Obey, D-Wisc. The $2,25 billion is about equal to the National Park Service’s entire annual budget. The Washington Times reports it is a threefold increase over what was originally proposed for parks in the stimulus bill. Obey is chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.

$335 million for treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts.

$4.19 billion to stave off foreclosures via the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The bill allows nonprofits to compete with cities and states for $3.44 billion of the money, which means a substantial amount of it will be captured by ACORN, the controversial activist group currently under federal investigation for vote fraud. Another $750 million would be exclusively reserved for nonprofits such as ACORN – meaning cities and states are barred from receiving that money. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., charges the money could appear to be a “payoff” for the partisan political activities community groups in the last election cycle.

$44 million to renovate the headquarters building of the Agriculture Department.

$32 billion for a “smart electricity grid to minimize waste.

$87 billion of Medicaid funds, to aid states.

$53.4 billion for science facilities, high speed Internet, and miscellaneous energy and environmental programs.

$13 billion to repair and weatherize public housing, help the homeless, repair foreclosed homes.

$20 billion for quicker depreciation and write-offs for equipment.

$10.3 billion for tax credits to help families defray the cost of college tuition.

$20 billion over five years for an expanded food stamp program.

The Stimulus Shopping List: $1.17 Trillion in Pork Goodies
it seems that obama just wants to fund his pet projects rather than do things that might actually stimulate the economy.
This "Spending Package" (not "Stimulus Package," as it has been mistakenly called) is going to be a monumental disaster. The economy will not be helped by most of the things within this package and the national debt will become substantially more obese.
it seems that obama just wants to fund his pet projects rather than do things that might actually stimulate the economy.

It's clear as day that the Democrats' goal is to fund their pet projects. They put it in "Stimulus Package" wrapping and hope Americans are dumb enough to believe it.
This "Spending Package" (not "Stimulus Package," as it has been mistakenly called) is going to be a monumental disaster. The economy will not be helped by most of the things within this package and the national debt will become substantially more obese.

Because most of it will be chalked up to government waste in the form of inter-agency bickering and red tape... among others.
it seems that obama just wants to fund his pet projects rather than do things that might actually stimulate the economy.

It's clear as day that the Democrats' goal is to fund their pet projects. They put it in "Stimulus Package" wrapping and hope Americans are dumb enough to believe it.
MSNBC said today, according to the Wall Street Journal, only 12% of this bill is actual stimulus.

The rest is pork.

Here is the entire 647 page bill.

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