Probably the only reason to vote for McCain.....



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
Global Poll Finds Obama Preferred in All Countries But U.S.

A new global poll of 17 countries finds a huge preference for Barack Obama over John McCain in the presidential election in 16 of those countries. In the 17th country -- the U.S. -- McCain was edging out Obama.



May I add the following reasons:

"Just this past week, we passed out of the out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee -- which is my committee -- a bill to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don't obtain a nuclear weapon." --referring to a committee he is not on, Sderot, Israel, July 23, 2008

"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." --explaining his troubles winning over some working-class voters
What the hell is global poll and where are they getting their info on how the US is feeling cause I haven't seen a poll MCcain leads in for atleast 3 weeks.

They only polled white people in America....

I am a long time member of an International forum.

The Europeans hate us. If they want Obama, it's a solid reason to vote for McCain.

They literally seeth with jealousy. Some actually think Europe should have a say in our business.
I am a long time member of an International forum.

The Europeans hate us. If they want Obama, it's a solid reason to vote for McCain.

They literally seeth with jealousy. Some actually think Europe should have a say in our business.

You think maybe some here think we should have a say in Europe's business too?
We lose if we pick Obama or McCain. There is no right choice in this election.
The only turth is that you're a xenophobic jerkoff troll that posts nothing but republican catch phrases and idoitic pictures.

I don't see you complain when it is those leaning left doing the same. If your going to speak out on it I'm all for it, as long as those who do are equally critical of their own.
Or how about the fact that campaign contributions from enlisted soldiers in Iraq is 6 times higher for Obama than McCain? Heck, even Paul is getting 4 times the contributions.

It looks like our service men and women on the front line are putting their money where their mouth is.
Or how about the fact that campaign contributions from enlisted soldiers in Iraq is 6 times higher for Obama than McCain? Heck, even Paul is getting 4 times the contributions.

It looks like our service men and women on the front line are putting their money where their mouth is.
guaranteed that isn't a fact. Second, the military will vote heavily for McCain.
Or how about the fact that campaign contributions from enlisted soldiers in Iraq is 6 times higher for Obama than McCain? Heck, even Paul is getting 4 times the contributions.

It looks like our service men and women on the front line are putting their money where their mouth is.

Probably means the people voting for McCain are sensible enough not to donate their money to politicians. Obama supporters on the other hand are the hero worshipping sheep that they are.
IE is one of the flock for CPF and Obama.

I back winners. If CPF doesn't improve radically I'll back a new coach next season. I am undecided when it comes to my vote for POTUS. I align myself with each candidate on the core issues that are important to me and my family.
guaranteed that isn't a fact. Second, the military will vote heavily for McCain.

I agree with you and are not going to waste my time researching it. If someone want to throw the statement out there then they need to back it up.
No problem.

According to an analysis of campaign contributions by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, Democrat Barack Obama has received nearly six times as much money from troops deployed overseas at the time of their contributions than has Republican John McCain, and the fiercely anti-war Ron Paul, though he suspended his campaign for the Republican nomination months ago, has received more than four times McCain's haul.
I back winners. If CPF doesn't improve radically I'll back a new coach next season. I am undecided when it comes to my vote for POTUS. I align myself with each candidate on the core issues that are important to me and my family.

Just messing with.

Is Socialism important to your fam?
Just messing with.

Is Socialism important to your fam?

If my quality of life is improved, I don't care what you call it. I care more about the specifics of policies than getting caught up in generalizations.

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