Project 2025



RockyTop is back, Let’s Go!!
Jan 2, 2011

It’s not what’s on the surface that’s the problem. Some of it sounds ok. But underneath this is straight trash.

Why is it that people want to give themselves unreasonable power and don’t think about what can be done with that power when they lose control to their opponents.

Hard pass.

It’s not what’s on the surface that’s the problem. Some of it sounds ok. But underneath this is straight trash.

Why is it that people want to give themselves unreasonable power and don’t think about what can be done with that power when they lose control to their opponents.

Hard pass.
I'm surprised with your take on it.
For every one of these conservative worthless think tanks in DC there’s a thousand leftist worthless think tanks in DC sucking like leeches off taxpayers. Here’s one leftist loons opinion of Project 2025

What is it that surprised you?
I’ll start with the expansion of presidential powers.

**** no.
As a matter of fact let’s take away the executive order.

No, the chief executive has to have the ability to issue orders within the executive branch.

Better option is to reduce the size and power of the entire federal government to the point where they don't matter to the average person and project 2025 is not advocating for that so it's just another gimmick to lure voters.
What is it that surprised you?
I’ll start with the expansion of presidential powers.

**** no.
As a matter of fact let’s take away the executive order.
Full disclosure, I haven't studied the points project 2025 closely.

To me, it seems this is a big vision for conservatives to do what liberals have done over the past several decades...which is, to be in the day to day ops positions in government as well as to be in the leadership positions.

It surprised me because you seem to be a very practical and pragmatic person. And since this effort isn't doing anything new, it is simply replacing the pawns on the chessboard, it surprises me it registered at all for you.
Full disclosure, I haven't studied the points project 2025 closely.

To me, it seems this is a big vision for conservatives to do what liberals have done over the past several decades...which is, to be in the day to day ops positions in government as well as to be in the leadership positions.

It surprised me because you seem to be a very practical and pragmatic person. And since this effort isn't doing anything new, it is simply replacing the pawns on the chessboard, it surprises me it registered at all for you.
Should my government do……!!
What if it’s conservative……still no!!

The surface seems harmless enough, but when you get into it, it’s absolutely a problem
No, the chief executive has to have the ability to issue orders within the executive branch.

Better option is to reduce the size and power of the entire federal government to the point where they don't matter to the average person and project 2025 is not advocating for that so it's just another gimmick to lure voters.
Por Que no Los dos.
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Should my government do……!!
What if it’s conservative……still no!!

The surface seems harmless enough, but when you get into it, it’s absolutely a problem
Meh. It's just trading one problem for a another. Pretty much the way our government functions.
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anyone know where these guys came from? I haven't seen anyone actually claim this stuff yet.

seen some dubious tweets from both sides, but nothing that passed the smell test.
So much of the fear mongering on project 2025 has been this is Trump’s platform. Trump has on the record and publicly stated project 2025 is not his platform and he doesn’t not endorse it as provided in whole. Doesn’t mean he’s lying and doesn’t mean he won’t and yes it’s largely authored by members of his prior admin but that is the public statement on it. So frankly the left leaning screeching falls on deaf ears to me.

Now to the point of what if on if trumps does get in and has the chance to implement it my only uneducated comment thus far is I agree with both slice and hog. Don’t do a damn thing to expand the federal government by a single individual and don’t needlessly hinder the executive branch. On the latter we’ve got some current supreme rulings which support hog’s position. Frankly I’d submit we’ve got the chevron applicability also which supports slice’s position also.
anyone know where these guys came from? I haven't seen anyone actually claim this stuff yet.

seen some dubious tweets from both sides, but nothing that passed the smell test.
It’s a heritage foundation publication it’s on their web site. And it’s largely authored by prior Trump admin personnel.
Because the Chief Executive must be allowed to issue orders within the executive branch. What would you propose, the President consulting a committee and getting permission before he can issue orders with the Executive branch?
is an Executive Order really required to get the different pieces working together? Note the capital letters to indicate a proper noun. seems like telling them should be enough.

we shouldn't need a Michael Scott declaration for the government to do its job.
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is an Executive Order really required to get the different pieces working together? Note the capital letters to indicate a proper noun. seems like telling them should be enough.

we shouldn't need a Michael Scott declaration for the government to do its job.

An Executive Order is nothing more than the president ordering a department that falls under the executive branch to do or not do something. Yes they have been abused and misused but hopefully with the Chevron ruling and EO will be limited in what it can direct.
An Executive Order is nothing more than the president ordering a department that falls under the executive branch to do or not do something. Yes they have been abused and misused but hopefully with the Chevron ruling and EO will be limited in what it can direct.
Well that’s what it should be I agree. However I’d submit many in recent admins (plural) have overstepped the boundary to writing legislation. Just a general observation no specific example.

Ok you actually addressed my point and I’m being Capt Obvious
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Because the Chief Executive must be allowed to issue orders within the executive branch. What would you propose, the President consulting a committee and getting permission before he can issue orders with the Executive branch?
I’d be ok with a one year ex order.
They all go away after one year

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