PS2 Mod Chip in a Plug ‘n Play

At the least, it's nice to see people getting use out of their old systems.

Still, PS3 allows you to get around that problem by installing other OS's and such. And since Microsoft has put everything on lockdown between 360 security and Vista self-destructing the second it smells pirated software, the hardcore PC crowd has switched from XBox to PS3. Linux, baby. Linux.
At the least, it's nice to see people getting use out of their old systems.

Still, PS3 allows you to get around that problem by installing other OS's and such. And since Microsoft has put everything on lockdown between 360 security and Vista self-destructing the second it smells pirated software, the hardcore PC crowd has switched from XBox to PS3. Linux, baby. Linux.

Great in theory...until they realized how locked down a linux instal is on the PS3 and just how few of the resources were actually accessible. Could be better over time, but the first year really hasn't produced squat.

I don't think we'll see the active mod scene like the xbox had again. That was a great machine once they opened everything up and the community got going. I'd like to see it again, I just don't think we will.
Nah. PS3 could be had with time. Microsoft has their gear on 100% lockdown. Same with the Wii.

If I'm not mistaken, the PS3 and PSP software are similar... And the PSP has been hacked like none other.
I think Nintendo pretty much put the kaibosh on that. They designed the circuitry in such a way that one of the points one would need to solder is an infinitesimal distance from another point that if bridged, kills the whole thing if it's powered up.

I expect Microsoft has probably done the same, and we all know they are prepared to dick anybody who wants to mess with the software.
Minor success has been had on the 360... between the DVD firmware hack, and the kiosk disc... some success has been there.

Nothing will ever again be as hackable as the original xbox.

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