Put Football In Perspective.......



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2015
Yes we are sucking this season and it's no fun. Fire Pruitt. Fire Fulmer. Hire Hugh Freeze. Hire Anybody....blah blah blah blah blah we can beech and moan til the cows come home and it won't make a hill of beans..........but let's consider what just happened in our country on November 3rd. America just had the biggest FRAUD perpetrated on it in our history. We all will pay the price. Our children will pay the price. Our grandchildren will pay the price. America will pay the price. An almost 80 year old career politician with dementia will have the nuclear codes. The most Liberal Senator in the country will be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.....or the 25th Amendment being invoked.

Yes football is consuming us right now....but at the end of the day it doesn't make a hill of beans. Our country is screwed whether you want to admit it or not.

You may agree with this post or you may rip it to shreds. I don't give a ratsrectum. You better wake up and smell the Socialism.
More than half of the country voted for an old man with dementia because The other guy we had in there constantly got on Twitter at two in the morning and made fun of people for the way they looked or talk. Real presidential right? We will be fine. Go get four years and then will probably get somebody else in there. They’re just a figurehead. And as far as team goes… Yes we absolutely should make a change. This is $1 billion entity that’s being run by a couple of complete morons.
Poof! This is headed to the political forum....and for the record, I agree 100%. Dark days ahead unless we undo this fraud.

This. Have you seen this yet? The software, called Dominion, steals votes for the Dems. The sales rep for the software company is an aide to Pelosi....

If you don't care about the technical stuff, skip to the 34min mark for proof

See you in the PF
Yes we are sucking this season and it's no fun. Fire Pruitt. Fire Fulmer. Hire Hugh Freeze. Hire Anybody....blah blah blah blah blah we can beech and moan til the cows come home and it won't make a hill of beans..........but let's consider what just happened in our country on November 3rd. America just had the biggest FRAUD perpetrated on it in our history. We all will pay the price. Our children will pay the price. Our grandchildren will pay the price. America will pay the price. An almost 80 year old career politician with dementia will have the nuclear codes. The most Liberal Senator in the country will be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.....or the 25th Amendment being invoked.

Yes football is consuming us right now....but at the end of the day it doesn't make a hill of beans. Our country is screwed whether you want to admit it or not.

You may agree with this post or you may rip it to shreds. I don't give a ratsrectum. You better wake up and smell the Socialism.

Bernie Sanders already called Trump's stunt, play-by-play 2 weeks before it happened on election night, homie.

Trump built the narrative so when he lost he could make these unsubstantiated claims. Then if he won, he would've praised the mail-in votes.
Yes we are sucking this season and it's no fun. Fire Pruitt. Fire Fulmer. Hire Hugh Freeze. Hire Anybody....blah blah blah blah blah we can beech and moan til the cows come home and it won't make a hill of beans..........but let's consider what just happened in our country on November 3rd. America just had the biggest FRAUD perpetrated on it in our history. We all will pay the price. Our children will pay the price. Our grandchildren will pay the price. America will pay the price. An almost 80 year old career politician with dementia will have the nuclear codes. The most Liberal Senator in the country will be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.....or the 25th Amendment being invoked.

Yes football is consuming us right now....but at the end of the day it doesn't make a hill of beans. Our country is screwed whether you want to admit it or not.

You may agree with this post or you may rip it to shreds. I don't give a ratsrectum. You better wake up and smell the Socialism.

No no no... this thread is far too late. These people (and probably yourself) were more concerned about some football player taking a knee instead of being concerned about real issues.
More than half of the country voted for an old man with dementia because The other guy we had in there constantly got on Twitter at two in the morning and made fun of people for the way they looked or talk. Real presidential right? We will be fine. Go get four years and then will probably get somebody else in there. They’re just a figurehead. And as far as team goes… Yes we absolutely should make a change. This is $1 billion entity that’s being run by a couple of complete morons.

So you’re triggered that Trump made some mean tweets while sitting on his toilet but don’t realize that Trump ran off John Bolton for fighting him over dropping bombs on other countries. Biden isn’t capable of writing his own tweets and will pull any triggers and push any buttons that his handlers direct him to.
So you’re triggered that Trump made some mean tweets while sitting on his toilet but don’t realize that Trump ran off John Bolton for fighting him over dropping bombs on other countries. Biden isn’t capable of writing his own tweets and will pull any triggers and push any buttons that his handlers direct him to.

I voted for trump. I’m just saying why he lost.
Why don't you enlighten us about those "real issues " to which you refer?
Well let me ask you, does some football player taking a knee rank higher than a stolen election, trillions in debt, a shutting down of our economy or possible mandatory vaccines?

But again, lets put football in perspective... lol
So you’re triggered that Trump made some mean tweets while sitting on his toilet but don’t realize that Trump ran off John Bolton for fighting him over dropping bombs on other countries. Biden isn’t capable of writing his own tweets and will pull any triggers and push any buttons that his handlers direct him to.
Uhhh, just to be clear and understand where you are going with this. Are you saying trump favored dropping bombs or Bolton?
Trump is a global embarrassment, and if you don't see that, there's no help for you. I'm sorry. There is no fraud. There is no rigging. Accept the loss, you are making a fool of yourself.

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