

Jul 13, 2004
I do not know why UT did not have 2 QB's playing after the year Banks had to go in the Ga. game{ which if he had more time playing during the season they would have won ) Ga uses two QB's but Greene gets the most snaps, but Shockley is getting playing time. Should UT play Leak and when the game is in hand or we are playing a team that we can feel comfortabe winning against play A second QB during the entire game.
UT didn't have 2 QB's let alone 2 who could play in the SEC.
Banks and Leak in 02 and 03 and not playing in the SEC if you do not get in the game you will never know what to do. If you are waiting on 1 qb to step in and lead I'm sorry cause everyone must have a back up for injures. That is the problem now Clausen is gone and we are left with no one with any playing to under there belt.
Neither Leak nor Banks were ready to play SEC level QB and it has been shown that Banks never would be and as for Leak no one is even sure he's ready now!
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Aug 1, 2004 6:09 PM
Neither Leak nor Banks were ready to play SEC level QB and it has been shown that Banks never would be and as for Leak no one is even sure he's ready now!

Little Chris really screwed us...or we wouldn't be in this mess.
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Aug 1, 2004 6:13 PM
Little Chris is nothing, there's alot more to it.

Like what? Coaching? Sanders vs. Cutcliff? Coaching philosophy? Poor talent evaluation?

It's pretty obvious that we don't have the talent right now except for the incoming freshman. Would CJ even be on the team if we weren't rercruiting Chris?
To say Banks wasnt ready is kinda tuff to understand. I mean he did go INTO Georgia and almost pulled that game out for Tennessee as a true freshman..and then followed it up with a 35 point performance vs Miss St. I agree banks isnt the best of passing qb's,(not that he was givin much of a chance) but he makes things happen. Note he played 1 play at QB vs Bama last year...result...TD. I do believe as well that if Banks would not have been Put aside and not givin the chance at QB maybe he would have been more likely to behave himself...just a thought.

Thats my reason I want Schaeffer in there....hes banks but a better arm. The vols showed with Banks they can still win w/out a great passing attack.

Go Vols
Our coaches don't have a good track record of developing the backup QB during the season. It seems we get to a year like this and there isn't anyone we are comfortable giving the job to at the start. It takes 4 games or so before they get comfortable which is already too late. I've seen FSU send in the 2nd QB on a pre-selected series just to get some experience. Granted they play mostly patsies, but I think that is a good way to get some experience. Most other positions get some PT. Good teams put teams away and then bring in the back-up late in the game. We have a hard time cutting the jugular and or deciding when the game is in hand.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Aug 1, 2004 5:20 PM

Like what? Coaching? Sanders vs. Cutcliff? Coaching philosophy? Poor talent evaluation?

How about "All of the above"?

THe last few years UT lost a QB coach that had finally established himself for one that is BAD period. Banks is immature and did not play the QB position becase 1. HE'S LAZY. 2. Doesn't care to learn the play book. 3. Is not an SEC type QB. Yes he played good against UGA and Miss State but lets face it UGA had a coach that didn't have that team as prepared, while the team played bad and a couple of UT players made a difference and Miss State was very, very bad.
UT put all their eggs in the Leak basket and let Chrissy and Juicy Leak run off a rather good QB from California and lost out because a brat with an immature father thought a QB should start when he wasn't ready. UT seems to have learnt their lesson there.
Tennessee doesn't produce Top notch QB's like say UGA, Bama or UF and when you go out of state for your QB recruits you either get a basket full or none and the loser in years you get a bunch aren't going to stick around.
As for Schaffear we'll see, personally I see Crompton and if not Ainge. A running QB is nice but they will not win championships. No Tee wasn't a running QB, although he could run if flushed but was not considered a running QB. The last running QB's that UT has had are Holloway and while great his career record is not, another on was Streeter who again was a fine running QB but had a so-so record. Both Tee and Shuler were considered QB athletes ie passers first, runners last.
It takes almost 2 years in UT's system to be really good at QB so there again is a sticking point if you bring in a top notch QB every 2 years then you might have a chance but it hasn't fell that way for UT. Now UT's Offensive staff is not made up for playing patsy and their style is not conducive to blowouts or big leads and they play the percentages and everyone knows it.
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Aug 2, 2004 12:30 AM

It takes almost 2 years in UT's system to be really good at QB so there again is a sticking point if you bring in a top notch QB every 2 years then you might have a chance but it hasn't fell that way for UT.

Then why not get a NEW system? It seems like all I ever hear is "Our QB is having a hard time learning the SYSTEM". Hey coach - it's football, not rocket science!
If it's too complex, SIMPLIFY it!!
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Aug 2, 2004 2:08 AM
IT's been very successful.

I agree. This stuff about wholesale changes on offense is way overblown.

I don't care what system you run or how imaginative you think you are, the difference between an offensive coordinator looking like a genius or an idiot is a consistent running game. If imagination was the key to success, Hal Mumme would have won a National Championship.
Using a system that takes 2 years to be mastered just seems like a waste of talent to me. It hasn't taken Chris Leak two years to be competent at Florida.
I understand what you are saying, but there are basic reads that have to be made on the fly in order to play college football no matter how talented you are.

I guarantee you that even as good as Chris Leak was as a freshman, Zook trimmed the playbook way down for him. You have to remember that as good as Leak may have seemed, Florida lost 5 games last year. There were a couple of times against us and against Miami where Leak looked like a deer in headlights.
For 25 years Neyland and his successors used the same Offense and everyone knew what was coming and still couldn't stop it.
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Aug 2, 2004 4:50 PM
For 25 years Neyland and his successors used the same Offense and everyone knew what was coming and still couldn't stop it.

That's good ole Tennessee football. Here I come, try and stop me.

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