this is the easiest queion i have ever answered. ainge. no one played better than him. i love brent and what he does and wanted him to start at the begining og the year, BUT ainge grew on me. to tell you the truth at the begining of the year i couldn't even pronounce his name right.
Ainge is amazing as a player, but he has "personality issues" which I wont get in to.
like what? i didnt know he had problems? but if you dont want to get into it thats fine. i would like to know though.
Ainge is amazing as a player, but he has "personality issues" which I wont get in to.

Then why bring it up? :p
well whats his issues? com'on man were all fans here. were not about to rip him. i want to know if we got a qb that is going to turn into a barret robbins or not.
Ainge grew on me quickly. Can't wait for him as starter in 2005. I expect Clausen to get a fair shot, but Ainger will be the Vol leader of 2005
ainge will start unless he gets hurt he has the best arm he is obviously the brains btween he and brent clausen is capable but cant make all the throws by the time season starts ainge should be able to make reads from the line and manage the game better than this year i hope as far as brent S. is concerned i believe we will know something after the spring he'll probably leave for NC state if the coaches dont promise equal playing time and i dont see him being ok with being anything other than co#1 and come on we all know thats not going to happen i hope we can keep little vick
cant count out clausen... just becuase ainge did good this summer doesnt make him a definite starter. Alot of things could happen so theres no way to tell for sure.
i think we beat this dead horse to death in another thread, but welcome to the nation

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