Queimada (Burn!)



22nd & 24th POTUS; Duke of Tellico Plains
Nov 30, 2017
Interesting movie from 1969. Remember the trailer from being a kid and finally watched it sometime in the '80s. Brando was reported to have said it was one of his favorite movies. His character was loosely based on William Walker of Nashville, Tennessee.

William Walker (the real one) led an interesting life. I think he and a band of fellow adventurers took over Nicaragua in 1855. He managed to piss off both Commodore Vanderbilt and the British Empire. Vanderbilt hired his own private army, chased Walker out of Nicaragua whereupon Walker was captured and handed over the British who, in short order, hanged him. Or something like that.

The movie is also an early ode to political correctness. The setting was originally a Spanish sugar cane colony, but the Spanish were apparently a bit too irritated about that and it was changed to a Portuguese colony because it was felt their protests would not have much impact.

Known for the protagonist playing opposite Brando (Evaristo Márquez) was literally picked out of a crowd and and never acted before. Also has a haunting theme song by Ennio Morricone "Abolisson."
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