Question about soccer style tackle



Senior Member
Aug 12, 2005
We've seen Colquitt make a couple of these tackles this year with no flag thrown, but a friend of mine says they're illegal. I could've sworn I remember an announcer say in an earlier game that Colquitt is good at the soccer style tackle which is ok for a punter to do. So is what Colquitt does legal or not?
We've seen Colquitt make a couple of these tackles this year with no flag thrown, but a friend of mine says they're illegal. I could've sworn I remember an announcer say in an earlier game that Colquitt is good at the soccer style tackle which is ok for a punter to do. So what's the deal on these tackles?

Well, you slide into somebody feet first, hoping you'll trip them up or break their ankle. That's the deal. :detective:
Actually, feet first is an illegal soccer tackle. That shows intent to harm. If they go in with feet down and take out another with the lower to upper legs then that's a legal soccer tackle. Not sure if that is legal though in American Football. That is question posed by OrangeUaVol.
It's illegal only if you make contact with the player first. If you hit the ball first, no card.
Me being the soccer player, go ahead call me grass fairy, no rules against going feet first. Its a matter of whether you hit the ball first. Hit it frist, and anything goes. SWIL, you pretty much nailed it.
Me being the soccer player, go ahead call me grass fairy, no rules against going feet first. Its a matter of whether you hit the ball first. Hit it frist, and anything goes. SWIL, you pretty much nailed it.

Yes, feet are ok. I was meaning cleats up. Wasn't clear enough I guess.

And still, the soccer style tackle question in the football game is still outthere.
this is what it says at wikipedia. here is the link if you want to read the whole article.

American football rules - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

American football is a collision sport. To stop the offense from advancing the ball, the defense must tackle the player with the ball by knocking him down. As such, defensive players must use some form of physical contact to bring the ball-carrier to the ground, within certain rules and guidelines. Tacklers cannot kick, punch or trip the runner. They also cannot grab the face mask of the runner's helmet or lead into a tackle with their own helmet. Despite these and other rules regarding unnecessary roughness, most other forms of tackling are legal. Blockers and defenders trying to evade them also have wide leeway in trying to force their opponents out of the way. Quarterbacks are regularly hit by defenders coming on full speed from outside the quarterback's field of vision.
Here's a different question: Colquitt was seemingly "tackled" during the runback, I believe. Does that not qualify as holding?

I had forgotten about this. Somebody with a DVR/TiVo'd copy check it out.
Here's a different question: Colquitt was seemingly "tackled" during the runback, I believe. Does that not qualify as holding?

I had forgotten about this. Somebody with a DVR/TiVo'd copy check it out.

I watched that over and over. Think it was clean block. He blocked him from the front and just knocked him into the ground. As he was falling he just stayed on top of him. From what I understand on the rule that is ok. He never held him to get him down. Just knocked the snot out of him.
I Tivoed it, and all you can see for more than a split second is Colquitt on the ground looking like he is getting raped by the Georgia guy.
I Tivoed it, and all you can see for more than a split second is Colquitt on the ground looking like he is getting raped by the Georgia guy.

Isn't that what is affectionately known as a pancake block? mmmmm, pancakes....
I Tivoed it, and all you can see for more than a split second is Colquitt on the ground looking like he is getting raped by the Georgia guy.

He was asking for it. You saw those tight pants he was wearing... :p
I believe that tripping is legal on the ball carrier. You just can't trip a player without the ball. What Colquitt has been doing is legal.
I would rather Colquitt get a personal foul penalty than allow a touchdown runback. Wilhoit had to facemask a returner a couple of years ago in order to save the TD. It's one of those penalties that is better than the alternative. Offensive pass interference falls into that category sometimes. You may lose 15 yards, but at least you didn't give up the INT.
You can, but you will be penalized for it. You aren't supposed to leg-trip.
I was told by an official that you can trip the runner. you just can't leg whip another player without the ball. It doesn't matter anyway bc you rarely see it.
I was told by an official that you can trip the runner. you just can't leg whip another player without the ball. It doesn't matter anyway bc you rarely see it.

I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure I've seen a player get flagged for tripping a running back with his leg. Maybe that's just in the NFL or something.
I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure I've seen a player get flagged for tripping a running back with his leg. Maybe that's just in the NFL or something.
I think the rules are different in the nfl for tripping.

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