Questions for Vol Vans and Aggies too



Dec 6, 2004
Hey guys, I would like to write up a detailed comparison(not an adversarial piece) of our two schools' various on and off the field traditions, mostly football related. With that in mind could you Vol fans give me details about:

The Volunteer Navy(who participates, what time do the boats, yahts arrive?)VolWalk; what time does it occur, how many are involved?
Other pre-game activities, such as tail-gating, etc.?
Pre-game in the statium(a run-down of events, music, etc. prior to the game)
Is beer and alcohol sold at Neyland?
Where does the band sit? What type of songs do they usually play?
What do cheerleaders do at the games? Do fans cheer based on what they say, signs they hold up?
What occurs when Tennessee is on defense? Offense?
Do fans bring anything to the games to wave such as pom-pom type sticks, etc.?
What occurs after a Volunteer score? big play?
What occurs during halftime? When the Pride of the Southland bands plays? When the opposing band plays?
When do fans boo? Does the crowd ever boo Tennessee players, coaching decisions/coaches? Are there other methods of voicing disapproval?
What occurs when an opponent is hurt? When he is walked off/carried off/driven off the field?
What do fans of Tennessee do after the Vols win? If they do not win?
What occurs if the Vols win a "big" game at Neyland, do fans rush field, are goalposts ever torn down, etc.?
Who takes care of Smokey?
Anything else I should know?

And for my fellow Aggies, I need to know about some things and need reminded about a few others:

What time is march-in?
What time is the new "Spirit Walk" and what occurs there?
Where does most of the tail-gating occur, who is involved?
Why am I not allowed to log-on to with my e-mail address(hosted by, which is not a free service), yet I can easily log in to various Vol message baords? Are there other large Aggie message boards set up like this one, in other words, easy to navigate and read?
Ok, I had to slip that one in there, this has really been bugging me.

Thanks much guys, the above assignment is worth 40% of your semester grade.
A few bits from personal experience.

RE: After a big win - I've been there when we've had a big one (1982 first win against biggest traditional rival Alabama in 12 years). Both goal posts came down, were carried out of the stadium, across campus and onto the strip (Cumberland Ave. 4 lane road running parallel to campus with many bars, restaurants, etc.) and placed right in the middle of the street blocking traffic in all directions. In the words of Rodney Dangerfield (Caddyshack) "We're all gonna get laid!" Needless to say - it was a memorable yet brain cell destroying evening.

Beating UF at home in overtime (after a multi-year streak) also resulted in a goal post removal event.

Generally, there is an expectation to win and the GP's rarely come down. However, sometimes they gotta go.

Someone may correct me but in 1985 we beat a #1 Auburn team (big upset) but the GP's did not come down for that one.
Thanks, I know I included a laundry list, and appreciate the response. If others want to grab one or two questions that would be really cool. Thanks
Originally posted by volinbham@Dec 13, 2004 11:04 PM
Beating UF at home in overtime (after a multi-year streak) also resulted in a goal post removal event.

My good friend the bigtime Vol contributor/alum hates hates HATES two things:

1. Vol fans who think that "Rocky Top" is a school song ("DOWN THE FIELD" he yells);
2. Tearing down the posts after beating a no-tradition program like Florida.

He has nothing but contempt for Florida, considering the Gators a bunch of Johnny-come-lately no-tradition punks who have no idea how to win with class.

Sounds like Texas Tech, actually, except that the gay blades have no idea neither how to win nor to do ANYTHING with class. But that's another subject for another day.
people in austin always ask who UT's (the real UT, not texas) biggest rival is and when i tell them alabama they are usually suprised.

most people outside of the volnation expect me say florida.

i dont think i would ever give florida that kind of credit.

how bout a little comparison for everyone:

UT is to TU like
Buck Fama is to Texas A&M and
Gators is to Oklahoma

Yes, that is a pretty overwhelming post. I will try to answer from my point of view.

I am not sure about the Vol Navy, I am not a member of it. However, these are all mostly nice boats. You won't find many if any canoes or tiny boats. Some arrive the night before, others on gameday. There is a volnavy flag that you can order if you want one.

Tailgating is great around Neyland. Lets just say that you have tailgating for miles, including the volnavy. We don't have just one spot that everyone tailgates. It is spread out everywhere.

Pre-game is OK. I usually arrive an hour early to watch the players warm up. When it is time for the team to go into the locker before the game, the team lines up around the 45. The punter punts the ball into the endzone and the whole team runs to cover the punt and keeps on going into the locker room. Then the Pride comes out and does their thing. We have the National Anthem and the prayer. They march the Power T and we chant V- O-L -S, V-O-L- S , V-O- L- S GO VOLS GO! Each at a faster tempo. Then the Pride marches down, forms the T for the players to run through while playing Rocky Top aided by fireworks. I am sure I left something out. Sometimes but not often we have a eagle that flies from one end to other of the stadium. Sometimes a fly by.

The Pride sits next to the student section. I am not sure about what all they play, I know the song but not the names of the songs. One thing that I do know is that they play Rocky Top a bunch. I think the average is around 40 times a game.

The cheerleaders do cheerleader things. Signs and such. Some cheerleaders and band members go up into the stands during the game. To get the fans to cheer more and the band plays Rocky Top.

Anybody else want to add anything to this? To be continued......
When UT is on Defense, it is loud. However, it is not as loud as it used to be for whatever reason. But on all the big plays, you might have to hold your ears. Lets just say that we are loud when it counts. On offense, we are pretty quiet. Usually so we can let our offense concentrate, sometimes because nothing is happening. :haha_oh:

People bring an assortment of things...I can't list them all. I usually have my orange and white shaker. We get the wave going at every game. That never gets old.

After we score, everyone checks the field to make sure that their isn't a flag, and then we go crazy. Fireworks are sent up from the Tennessee River and the band plays Rocky Top while crowd sings it. Woooo

I don't think that I have ever heard the crowd boo our players. Sometimes a select few boo the play call, we are all potential coaches you know? But we love to boo the refs, even when they are right.

At halftime, we take our band seriously. Most of us watch the half time show of both bands. Sometimes the other team doesn't bring their band. We sing the alma mater. Halftime is always different.

When a player is hurt, we are quiet and applaud when he is taken off of the field.

If we win....we party. If we don't win....we party.

Sometimes the goalposts are taken down. Not very often though. We expect to win all of them.

I am not sure who takes care of Smokey. I am sure that there are other things you should know, buy my fingers are tired. Perhaps someone else will pick up the slack soon.

When do fans boo?

Whenever Clausen fumbles on the QB-RB exchange, and a Georgia DB takes it back to the house with :00 on the clock, to make the game 21-7 before halftime. :angry:
Originally posted by BWeller18@Dec 15, 2004 12:25 AM
When do fans boo?

Whenever Clausen fumbles on the QB-RB exchange, and a Georgia DB takes it back to the house with :00 on the clock, to make the game 21-7 before halftime. :angry:

Man, that play still makes me mad. That was such a momentum swing.
Good stuff guys, I really appreciate it, learned alot. Now some Aggies need to get on the ball!

Most of the questions were answered, but still are a few I'd like to know(alcohol sales, etc.), and also, since the band since next to the student section, where is the student section? lol
No, they don't serve alcohol at Neyland for college football. Most people get tanked before the game if that is their thing. While others sneak some bottles into the stadium. I will have to get back to you on the band=student section thing. I can't find a seating chart small enough to post on here.
12th Man--

The student section at Neyland Stadium is D, E, F, G, DD, EE, and FF. The band sits in lower H.

My two cents: The Pride of the Southland is one of the best bands you'll ever see on the field. However, in the stands they leave a little to be desired. The director treats them like a military band while they're in the seats (not extremely loud, so-so energy, etc.). Visting bands are usually louder in the stadium (while playing from the stands).

Another cool thing (though some fans hate it) is during the pregame show the band turns to the visiting sections/fans and plays their fight song as a "welcome" to Neyland Stadium. Hearing our band play the Notre Dame fight song to their fans was cool this year. I usually really enjoy this because it catches the opposing fans off guard and they usually eat it up. I have to admit I cringe when, every other year, I have to hear our guys play "Glory, Glory to Old Georgia".

Here's a link to the stadium seating chart:

Seating Chart
Thanks much, some of what you have said sounds very familiar, so don't worry about comparisons to be made.

Also for my fellow Aggies, it seems like there may have been a change in who sits south of the 50-yard line on the first deck the past few years. Are those students or old Ags? (between the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band and the visitors section)

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