Quote from Bush / Couric interview



Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
Katie Couric: "You have said we can't cut and run on more than one occasion. We have to stay until we win. Otherwise, we'll be fighting the terrorists here at home on our own streets. So what do you mean exactly by that, Mr. President?"

President Bush: "I mean that a defeat in Iraq will embolden the enemy and will provide the enemy more opportunity to train, plan, to attack us. That's what I mean. You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror. I believe it. As I told you, Osama bin Laden believes it. But the American people have got to understand that a defeat in Iraq; in other words, if this government there fails, the terrorists will be emboldened, the radicals will topple moderate governments."
Keep on going George and you'll slip and pull a Jimmy Carter....are we in a malaise?
He obviously could have said it better, but I think it's pretty clear what he's talking about.
His staff should have done a better job of going over his stategery before the interview. He may have misunderestimated the interview capabilities of Katie Couric. She's nuculear at times.
It was Jimmah who pronounced it "nookler." He also discussed major strategic policy decisions with his 14-year old. :jpshakehead:

The only way GWB could have said it better was to start out with "Katie, you ignorant sl**..."

He came quite close to that with Matt Lauwerererer yesterday.

I laughed.
Katie needs to go back to mornings. Evenings makes her look cross-eyed, and I wasn't impressed.

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