R. Clausen As A Coach



Senior Member
Dec 7, 2004
Anyone else think Rick Clausen could end up as a pretty successful QB coach someday? He always seemed to know the offense well and usually made good decisions (except for a couple bad INTs) with the ball. What do you all think?
I think he'll make a good QB first. Yes, he is smart and will be a good QB coach, good OC and eventually a good HC. Coming to a stadium near you!
Originally posted by #10_Ainge_#10@Mar 5, 2005 10:21 PM
I wouldn't mind having him as on OC later on

Based on what?
IMO, it takes more than just understanding offenses to be a good coach. Randy Sanders understands the offense and well...........nevermind. :lol: I don't even know that much about Rick so I can't really comment on him being a good OC or HC down the line.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Mar 5, 2005 11:12 PM
I don't even know that much about Rick so I can't really comment on him being a good OC or HC down the line.

Exactly my point. The guy played great for us at the end of last year, but he's played about 5 games in his college career. How do you make the leap to saying he'd be a good OC?? :wacko:
Originally posted by GAVol+Mar 5, 2005 10:58 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (GAVol @ Mar 5, 2005 10:58 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-#10_Ainge_#10@Mar 5, 2005 10:21 PM
I wouldn&#39;t mind having him as on OC later on

Based on what? [/quote]
Well when he played for the most part he made smart decisions and it looked like for the most part he knew how to run the plays and things just as that....I just wouldn&#39;t mind seeing him on the side lines as on OC...It would beat having Randy Sanders wouldn&#39;t it? LOL
Originally posted by #10_Ainge_#10@Mar 6, 2005 12:01 PM
Well when he played for the most part he made smart decisions and it looked like for the most part he knew how to run the plays and things just as that....

So basically your logic is that you would like Rick Clausen to be the OC and replace Randy Sanders based on the fact that he looked good running the offense and gameplan implemented by Randy Sanders???? :dunno:

Originally posted by GAVol+Mar 6, 2005 12:36 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (GAVol &#064; Mar 6, 2005 12:36 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-#10_Ainge_#10@Mar 6, 2005 12:01 PM
Well when he played for the most part he made smart decisions and it looked like for the most part he knew how to run the plays and things just as that....

So basically your logic is that you would like Rick Clausen to be the OC and replace Randy Sanders based on the fact that he looked good running the offense and gameplan implemented by Randy Sanders???? :dunno: [/quote]
No I believe that I&#39;m trying to say that I would like to see him be our OC and put in a different style of offense
What type of offense would you like to see Coach Rick Clausen implementt?
Being a good HC, OC, or DC requires a lot more than just understanding any particular scheme.

It includes people skills, politicking, ability to recruit, handling the media, and throughout all of the above, handling yourself with class and integrity to more than just an average extent.

It is one big "Ball of wax", so to speak. That&#39;s why there are so few, relatively speaking, who can pull it off successfully over an extended period of time.

I&#39;m glad CPF is our head coach because he seems to be able to do this and has for some time.
Originally posted by GAVol@Mar 6, 2005 2:39 PM
What type of offense would you like to see Coach Rick Clausen implementt?

I&#39;d like to see him air it out more than Sanders does......Run N gun maybe? I just feel like our offense now is too conservative..Even though it wins games and there is not a lot wrong with it...It&#39;s just too conservative...With the talent we got..Air it out more than we do and we put a lot more points on the board and make it easier for our defense
Originally posted by #10_Ainge_#10@Mar 6, 2005 4:48 PM
I just feel like our offense now is too conservative..Even though it wins games and there is not a lot wrong with it...

I couldn&#39;t disagree more, but obviously you&#39;re entitled to your opinion.

I bet if you the SEC stats from the past 4-5 years, we&#39;re probably among the top 3-4 teams in passing.
why would rick make a good coach?

where did this come from?

he might coach little league or pee wee football. :dlol:

sorry rick. i love u man.
Balance is obviously what we need more than anything. That is why this coming year is going to be so much fun. Ainge and our WR&#39;s along with Riggs and company. If our defense is as good as I think they are going to be, it is going to be an awesome thing to watch&#33;

I agree with #10 Ainge about the conservative part, but you can&#39;t argue Fulmer&#39;s winning percentage. Fulmer is a field position, break their back kind of coach. Flashy playing just doesn&#39;t suit him. We will see some more passing next season I am sure, but without that hard nose running game, it won&#39;t work out too well IMO. :twocents:
:blink: (rubbing my eyes in disbelief. . . .)

How long &#39;til football season? I don&#39;t know how much more of this I can take.

Oh well, back to the "Chick pic" thread, I guess. . . . .
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Mar 6, 2005 8:06 PM
:blink: (rubbing my eyes in disbelief. . . .)

How long &#39;til football season? I don&#39;t know how much more of this I can take.

Oh well, back to the "Chick pic" thread, I guess. . . . .

If summer hibernation was possible, I&#39;m sure 3/4 would do that. April to August.
I think maybe this got a little off. I don&#39;t think anyone meant he&#39;d be a good OC or anything else anytime soon. Will he someday? Probably. That&#39;s his career choice. He plans on pursuing it. He&#39;s smart, he&#39;s got the desire, he&#39;s got the work ethic. And he&#39;s also young. He has to graduate first, and then serve his GA term, then get a paying coach job. Then work his way up. Ten years down the road, I think you&#39;ll see him succeeding and moving up the coaches ladder. At UT? Somewhere. I&#39;m sure he&#39;d like it to be UT. But, this idea about his future success has about as much speculation as whether a top will recruit will be golden or a bust. I like him. No disrespect. But, he has a long way to go to get htere.
Rick would be a great coach........he is smart....has played in multitple offenses in High School.........LSU and UT........I&#39;m almost positive that he will start his coaching career at UT as a GA..............
why argue over the offense boys? Defense wins championships&#33;
Rick for OC? Thats like the apprentice telling Donald Trump, "Your Fired&#33;" and about as likely. No offense, but are you a UT Trustee?

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