R.I.P. Arena Football League

I loved the Nashville Kats, at least the first version (1997-2001). I didn't care much for the Bud Adams "Titans Lite" version (2005-2007) because he turned them into pretty much a Titans commercial, even made the uniforms look very similiar to the Titans. I understand cross promotion and trying to piggyback the Titans' success, but come on.

I haven't missed the AFL at all since. It tried to grow too big too fast. It was always a niche sport but wanted to be the "5th" major league sport.
Say what you will, but it was an interesting diversion. I had a good time when I went.
No need to panic, after all we do have the Lingerie Football League to fall back on...

I really do miss the AFL. It was the only football you could see that time of year other than spring practice

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